pregnancy danger 2

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Police lady: their last names are gun and black, the name is Lee sun gun and Alex James black

Mrs. Sun: hm... those names sounds so familiar, I gotta go thank you so much *hangs up and calls Mr. Kim*

Mr. Kim: hold on Rhianna! I'll deal with your ass in a second! *picks up the phone* hello?

Mrs. Sun: we know who the people are their names are Lee sun gun and Alex James black

Stella:*runs back to the car crying my eyes out and screams in sadness* WHY WHY WHY!!! WHY RHIANNA!!!! FUCK WHY ME!

Mr. Kim: those are my students! I know them they go to my school! I'll call you back soon *hangs up* Rhianna I'll be calling your parents and I'll be visiting them to but for now I'm gonna expel two people and handle a few things so don't move anywhere, got it?

Rhianna:*mocks him and scoffs* and says who I gotta listen to you?

Mr. Kim: I'm the school principal and if you don't listen to me I'll expel you to you little brat

--with stella--

Stranger:*goes up to the car and knocks on the widow*

Stella:*jumps alittle and wipes my eyes* hm.. *turns around* go away

Stranger: I'm new to the school and you looked upset so I'd thought ill ask if you was okay

Stella:*sighs sadly and rolls down the window alittle* im peachy as can be

Stranger: I can tell your lying whats wrong?

Stella: ... your probably gonna bully me so no.. and we just met so in all meanings no..

Stranger: no I won't I promise, I'm jung-in jae Lee Park and I'm 19 years old

Stella: .... I'm Stella rose baker... and im 19...

Jung-in: as in the famous Korean actress and actor?

Stella: yes those are my so called parents... now leave me alone..

Jung-ins outfit:

Jung-ins outfit:

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Jung-ins hair:

Jung-ins hair:

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