danger is near

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Sorry for the long delay but I'm gonna try and get the 4 chapters out for both of my books so I can start writing my new one , anyways i hope you all enjoy this chapter. Also TW (TRIGGER WARNING) this will have some parts of abuse in it so please read at your own risk I don't want any of you getting triggered.

Stella:*stutters alittle* wh-what do you w-want bl-blak..bl-blake..! *gulps slightly and looks away backing into the police station*

Blake:*looks at her * come with me *grabs her hand and takes her far away from the police station*

After 5 minutes of walking Blake grabs Stella's arm and puts it behind her and covers her mouth, she then knocks her out and puts her in the back of a van and drives off.

Blake: stupid girl shouldn't have trusted me *drives for two hours*

After 2 hours she then pulls up to the place and takes her out of the van and ties her hands and places a cloth on her mouth

Blake: now time to give you to my boss *takes her to him* sir... I have her *hands her to him*

Unknown: very good blake, now sit down I need to talk with you *puts the girl in a other room and locks it* now blake. Did anyone see you at all taking her?

Blake: I don't think so sir but I had to take her away from a police station so I wouldn't get in trouble then I knocked her out and put her in the van

Unknown: very good now here's your pay *hands her 400 won* now never speak of this again or your family gets it, do you understand me!?

Blake: y-yes sir..! I won't speak of it to anyone at all ! *gets nervous*

--mr.kims pov--

Mr. Kim: it's been 3 hours.. where is she I'm starting to worry *tries to call her and it goes to voice mail* fuck...

He then tries 12 more times to call her and it all goes to voice mail each time and he grips his leg and hits the table alittle

Mr. Kim: her phone must of died... but I'm so fucking worried *texts her "hey pumpkin.. where are you, I'm starting to get worried it's been 3 hours and you still haven't came back please text me back as soon as possible.. or even call me please hun"* I hope she's okay..

Mr. Kim: if she isn't back by 2 more hours I'm gonna call the cops..

Mrs. Kim:*goes over to his place and knocks on the door*

Mrs. Kim's outfit:

 Kim's outfit:

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Mrs. Kim's hair:

 Kim's hair:

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