Chapter 7

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Some time passes and the party is seen riding across the ice through a dense fog "if this fog doesn't lift, we'll never find the princess' island." Y/n shook her head side to side "even if we don't, you battled the mouse king army, rescued Captain Candy, and saved us from a vicious pile of rock! All without the Sugar Plum Princess."

The Nutcracker looks away, being uncertain "thanks but The Mouse King is too powerful to take on alone. Besides, we've got to find the Princess so you can return home and being back to your true size."

Y/n looks down sombrely, grasping the necklace "that is what you wanted isn't?" Y/n replied with no hesitation "of course I do. It all I've ever wanted."

As the sleigh pulls away, Pimm had been hanging off of the back, listening in "this is very interesting" he lets go and flutters away to report to the Mouse King.


"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! The Nutcracker, he destroyed rock?!" The mouse king yelled with frustration and Pimm replied with a scare tone "sent 'em to the bottom of the sea. 'Course he had some help. Major Mint and Captain Candy have joined up."

"Proving they're gullible baka!" But with the library, it shows a whole mountain of books being towered "I've combed through every page of every book in the royal library...and there's no other mention of a Sugar Plum Princess!"

"I don't know, they were pretty keen on findin' her island..." and before when Pimm can finish his explanation, the Mouse King furiously, slamming the hilt of his scepter on the ground "don't you get it?! She's a fantasy! But if Nutcracker wants to believe in fairytales...he's about to find out: this one doesn't have a happy ending."


The fog, which is far denser now for Major Mint pulls on the reins, causing Marzipan to stop "on todays weather, this weather's getting worse. I say we turn about." However Marzipan knickers, complaining we're here "hold on" Y/n called but Major Mint added "no, it's too dangerous! There's been no sign of this mysterious island! Not to mention what's going happen when this ice starts to melt!"

Y/n rolled her eyes and exit the sleigh "Marzipan saw something and never wrong so I'm sure of it."

Marzipan whinnies and the Nutcracker follows Y/n through the fog "can't let a lady go on her own" the nutcracker said and Captain Mint agreed "don't leave me behind" and Major Mint took a offensive gasp "hold on don't leave me here!"

Sure enough, once they reach the other side it begins to clear and the island of the Sugar Plum Princess is revealed they make it to the island and leave Marzipan to graze while they make their plans "now there were her in once piece, let's find this princess!" But Captain Candy stop him "no, this time it's the Nutcracker, he has earned the right to lead us."

Major Mint, stutter "ehh!!! B...b...but...he's wood!" But Captain Candy doesn't care "so what he's wood, he's the one that we made it this far."

The Nutcracker looked to Y/n "I guess you mean 'I'm only the half the reason', Y/n did the other half" he waves for Y/n to follow him as they, along with Captain Candy travel further island.

Major Mint watches them incredulously "handling the reins to a...a stump?! I've never heard of such a thing!" They didn't listen to Major Mint but he scoff and follows after them.

It was a long walk for some time before coming across a towering with pink wafers in the center of a meadow. The Nutcracker pauses when he notices Y/n stop moving, Y/n fiddles with her locket "you coming?" The nutcracker asked her "Hmm oh I am."

The Nutcracker, Major Mint and Captain Candy go on ahead as Y/n sighs, hanging behind as the boys approach the castle and the doors open for them however, they quickly realize the palace was fake, a cage falling onto them, carried by bats. "Yahoo!!" Pimm cheered and commanded his bats "okay mates! Off to the palace we go!"

Luckily, Y/n was the last on to go in and she saw what happen to the guys "No!" Y/n gasp and when Pimm watches the men get carried away before turning around confused.

"Hold on...where's the girl?!" he questioned himself when he looked around looking for her, but Y/n is nowhere to be seen by his eyes "eh what's the heck, she doesn't belong here and yet she home anyway" so Pimm as he flies away "she'll thinks it's a dream."


Y/n return to the shore, noticing that the ice has all melted away, stranding her and Marzipan "this is hopeless" she sit down with despair "I can't believe I came and yet I thought that I was going to find a magical princess that is or isn't real?" Then Y/n fiddles with the locket around her neck.

"I mean...I could always go back home...I'm sure I've got some doll clothes that would fit..." Y/n slapped herself "what the hell am I saying?" She swore thanks to Bakugo "I can't leave and try out dolls clothes! I'm their only hope!...If I could just get off this island..."

Just as she says that, the smallest of the flower fairies appears and chitters at her and Y/n gasp "you! Can you help me" she beg and the little flower fairy waves for Y/n to follow her.

Y/n stood up with a strong smile and follow her to a group of flower fairies hoisting a makeshift swing made out of vines while the small flower fairy motions at the swing's seat, looking at Y/n "yeah I'm not sure if I can..." however the other flower fairies just forced her to sit down and flew which nearly caused her to fall off the swing but she hold on tight and flew all the way past the ocean.


Y/n made a great trip with the flower vines swing as she got off and look at the flower fairies "you have no idea how much you save me, thank you."

The flower fairies all chitter and quickly fly away and Y/n put on her brave face and sneaks her way into the palace, careful to avoid any guards she comes across.

Meanwhile, the flower fairies fly to the village in the trees to rally the refugees for some extra help and Kota pump his fist "they're right! It's time we stood up to the Mouse!" The peasants cheer "that mouse never give us freedom and it's time to take it back!"

Unknowingly for them, Pimm was listening the whole conversation adding a raising eyebrow "this can't be good" he flies off to report the Mouse King.

To Y/n on the other hand, she has managed to sneak out to a balcony peering over the ledge to see the mouse king ordering his troops to build a bonfire "for crying out loud! More wood!! I want this to be an unforgettable show!"

The Mouse King glances up at where Y/n is standing, causing her to gasp and quickly hide behind a column "odd, thought I saw something" the Mouse king guess but shrug his shoulder "I SAID 'MORE WOOD'!"

Y/n sneaks away from the balcony and back into the palace as she follows a hallway to a spiral staircase into the dungeon. The Mouse King is shown pacing in the courtyard when Pimm arrives "Pimm, is there any good news? Other that I got the nutcracker and soon my worries will be over!"

Pimm did open his mouth to answer but his lips turn straight and yet nervous took him away " that ain't really so true...sire..."

The Mouse King slowly rounds on the bat, raising an eyebrow "ara, care to tell me in heavy more details" his voice filled with venom and Pimm was shaking "well...its seems your subjects are planning an uh...uprising."

"WHAT?!" He snatches Pimm by the feet and dangles him in front of his face "you listen to me! I want every last villager, fairy, and general troublemaker rounded up to witness this display of my absolute power!"

Pimm shook his head vigorously "I will I will! I'll get right to it, sire!" The Mouse King snarls at him tightening his grip. Pimm "Itai Itai!!! Um sire... I...I...I can't feel my toes" Pimm tries to twiddles his toes, causing the Mouse King to throw him aside angrily.

Pimm nearly got hit by the wall but he flies off into the sky as Y/n makes her way through the dungeons when she rounds a corner and is startled by a pair of guards.

The Nutcracker and Sugar Plum Princess (Eijiro Kirishima X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now