Proving Heart

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Elias Acorn x Reader.

Kinda takes place after the Secret Freedom Fighters Sonic Universe Comic Arc, SU#41-44, and before the Archie Comic Sonic the Hedgehog, STH#247.

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"Our little band needs work," Director Harvey Who - de facto leader of the Secret Freedom Fighters - said as he scrutinized the six agents before him. "That much is clear." The group shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling an awful lot like a bunch of toddlers being scolded for doing something they shouldn't have. Not that they had been, fighting for freedom, or the kingdom, or whatever other mundane seeming mission they had nowadays.

"In light of recent events," Harvey continued, "I've decided that the edge we need might not come from increased training or testing, but - rather simply - from a new angle. A new perspective. A new ear and a new voice." A couple of the group cocked their heads, though others - like the wolf pack twins and Elias - seemed to pick up more of what the old owl was hinting at.

"You're recruiting a new member?" Lyco asked skeptically. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Six is already a large number to tote around!" Leeta added.

"Speed, size, not to mention Shard's rockets alone-"


As the group started to squabble, Elias exchanged a light look with Silver before glancing at their mentor-of-sorts. While he wasn't thrilled about a new member, he couldn't deny the fact that it would help them, much as Harvey had said. Already within their first few missions, several of their covers had been blown, very quickly leading - St. John at least - to who their Director was, as well as possible allies within the Council. A new face - a foreign face - might be the edge that turned the tide in their favor. Though, it had been hard enough accepting help from the others in the room around him, only one of which was even a member of his kingdom. Who was to say what crazy vigilante Harvey had scrounged up this time.

Holding eye contact with the owl for a moment longer, finally, Elias turned to his team, tail puffing slightly.

"Guys!" he shouted, proud of the fact that he gained their attention after one word. "Hear him out," he finished, turning back to Harvey and giving him a nod.

"Thank you, Agent King," the old owl said formally before turning to address the group. "Now, I know that maybe it's not the solution you all were thinking of, but for the moment, I truly believe it is the best one. Considering all the circumstances." Silver and Elias exchanged another glance before looking away guiltily, ears droopy.

"This agent is from Soumerca, much like the twins, and was raised as a part of the Felidae," Harvey went on. Glancing at said twins, Elias watched their faces form into scowls. From what he'd heard, the Wolf Pack Nation and the Felidae Clan weren't on the best of terms with each other, but weren't necessarily enemies either, thanks to Sonic and...

Shaking his head to rid of the negative thoughts, Elias looked back to Harvey as he turned to the room's entrance, where not a moment later, a (f/c) (a/t) appeared, her ears perked and her stance strong, though the squirrel could see in her eyes that she was - if only slightly - apprehensive of meeting the team. Particularly the twins, as her eyes kept straying to and from them. The wolves openly glared.

"This is (Y/n)," Elias heard the Director say. "Code-name: Queen of Spades."


After the rather awkward introductions, the group had dispersed, being told to rest and recuperate while the Director decided on what to focus on next. Immediate threats had been neutralized for the moment, so there was a wide variety of courses the SSF could take. Which would benefit the most, that was the real question.

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