Keep Talking

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Shadow the Hedgehog x Reader.

WARNING: Extreme fluffy -

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The sound of the front door opening broke the previously bored (a/t) out of her trance, and she bolted up, eager to greet the Mobian arriving. Well, eager and nervous.

Racing to the entryway, she gave her boyfriend no time to prepare as she threw her arms around his shoulders, locking him in a hug and pressing her muzzle firmly into his fluffy tuft of chest hair.

"I missed you," she mumbled, squeezing him tighter. She could hear as much as feel him chuff in amusement.

"And I, you," Shadow said, his deep voice sending pleasant vibrations throughout the (a/t)'s body. He swiftly hung his coat on its peg by the door before picking his girlfriend up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his torso. He teasingly spun her around their living room, both of their joy and love permeating the atmosphere.

Eventually, the hedgehog sat them both down on the couch, the (a/t) ending up straddling his lap. She lay against his chest, his easy breath and constant heartbeat in her ears calming her as she took in his scent. Fresh, cool, and yet somewhat sharp. Like a spring creek, cleanliness and gunpowder. Seemingly odd, said aloud, but it always comforted (Y/n).

In the content silence within the room, the (a/t) snuggled more into Shadow, her tail snaking its way around one of his legs as she pressed against his chin. She felt the hedgehog sigh in happiness, an occasional purr coming from his chest, tickling the (a/t) who lay there. She continued nuzzling him, her hands tangled in his chest fur, his resting comfortably on her waist.

Then, his chin came down, and (Y/n) sat back, meeting his eyes as she did. Her position on his lap gave her slight height over him, and she smiled lightly at being able to look down at him for once. His natural height always triumphed her own, no matter what heels she wore.

Shadow's brilliant red eyes looked back at her, lidded over slightly as he smiled as well. A small yet genuine thing, of which (Y/n) was of the lucky few who ever saw it. Her lips parted as they studied each other, memorizing each and every feature of the other for the hundredth time.

Their gazes locked again, though Shadow's kept slipping down, his eyes nearly closed. The tip of (Y/n)'s tail began to twitch in anticipation of what he wanted, her own desire growing. They inched closer and closer until there was no space left, lips pressing firmly against each other. The (a/t) closed her eyes, running her hands up and over the hedgehog's shoulders and around his neck, parting once for air only for him to greedily take her back. Their heartbeats fell in sync, and Shadow purred lightly, smiling into the kiss.

When they withdrew again for air, Shadow moved to kiss her nose and cheeks, trailing across her jawline and chin and down her neck, sending shivers racing through the (a/t), her own purr growing as she tipped her head back, eyes closed. Shadow's purr continued as well until he slowed, pressing tender kisses right above the collar of (Y/n)'s shirt, his grip now on her lower back, pulling her closer.

The (a/t) sat there, her breath coming slightly faster as she opened her eyes, looking down though her chin remained raised as Shadow trailed along her collarbone. Eventually, she felt him stop, his forehead coming to rest on her chest, their earlier position now reversed. His arms snaked fully around her waist as he pressed his face to her stomach, squeezing her tightly. She looked down at the ebony hedgehog, one hand coming to lightly run over his quills as the other wrapped around his neck.

They sat like that again for some time, the (a/t) occasionally stopping her petting to play with his ears, the sensitive tip flicking slightly whenever she touched it. Then she felt Shadow shift, looking down to where his muzzle remained pressed to her body.

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