Chapter Thirteen

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                "How the hell did she find out?", Nolan questions while I rub my temples. "Somebody had to of told her", I reply. "But who? Gina?", Kennith asks. "No, she never wanted Nikki to know", I reply. Our conversation is cut short by Derek rushing into my office. "What is it Derek", I ask annoyingly. "People are saying that they've heard gunshots at a house on Trinity Row", he pants. "So", I sneer. "It's Nikki's house", he pants. My gaze darts to Kennith and Nolan, they seem just as surprised as I am. I quickly get out of my chair and grab my gun from my desk before we make our way to the car.

               The snow falls hard as we get out of the car and make our way towards the front door. We all pull out our guns as soon as we notice the front door is wide open. Carefully we all make our way inside one by one. A light is quickly flipped on and we take in the sight in front of us. There's blood splattered across the floor. "Nikki's not here", Kennith says as he makes his way down the hall from Nikki's bedroom. "Somebody took her", Nolan replies, "And they killed her ferret". I heave a frustrated sigh, "Well not all of this blood is the ferret's, someone's injured". I watch as my men search the house again. "I found something", Nolan's voice echoes from the kitchen. I make my way over to him and observe the object in his hand, "That's Nikki's gun". "Nikki bought a gun?", he questions. "Yeah, apparently she bought it after we sent her home. I've only seen it once and that was when she was pointing it at me", I reply. "Damn", Kennith comments. "We have to find her", I say determination laced through my words, "I don't care about the money, I just care about her".


               I've lost track of time, each second that passes is dreaded more than the last. I don't have any idea where I am, I've been moved around so much. I've given up on the idea that I'm going to make it out of here alive. I sit on the dainty mattress beneath me and slide the chains clamped around my wrists back and forth. It's become somewhat of a habit by now. A door slides open and floods the dark room with a bright light, I quickly shield my eyes from it. The sound of an object coming in contact with the stone floor echoes throughout the small space. "Put her in the chair", a voice in which I have paired with the name of Abram echoes. I can't recall how long I have been with the Deckerz, but it's been long enough for me to match their voices to the name and face to which it belongs. Aaron, the man who shot me and who I unfortunately was handed off to, exuberates a seemingly high yet smooth voice and stands a little under six feet off the ground and seems to be made of a mixture between muscle and a little fat. His bright yellow hair, fair skin, brown eyes, and semi chubby face sets him apart from the other two men I have seen. The man I have come to know as Abram stands a couple inches taller than me at around five foot nine inches and is made of pure muscle. I am able to recognize him by his deep and husky voice and by his bright green eyes and dark blue hair that emphasize his pale skin. Mauricio is a man who's hard to miss, he stands slightly over six foot off the ground and is thin yet muscular. His olive skin and bright purple hair catch your attention, but it's pale blue eyes and velvet voice that draw you in. I've had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting Mauricio twice since the Deckerz acquired me. Two men make their way towards me and unshackle the chains clamped around my wrists and ankles. They lift me with ease and forcibly place me in the chair placed in the center of the room, quickly cuffing my limbs to the chair. "What do you want?", I whine as I struggle against the cuffs. He stays silent and moves to the side to allow a man I recognize as Mauricio come inside. "We're going to pick up where we left off", Mauricio says cunningly. "But I told you-", I whine before his hand clamps around my mouth and he brings his face closer to mine. I hold his gaze for a moment before a sharp pain spreads throughout my left leg and my eyes dart to the knife being plunged through my flesh. My scream is muffled by Mauricio's hand. He removes his hand and twists the knife causing me to scream again. This time it echoes throughout the room and spreads to the rest of the building. "Did you really think you could hide from me?", he presses. "I told you", I grunt breathlessly, "I didn't hide from you. I only found out about the deal recently". I scream again as the knife is removed from my leg and plunged into another spot. He twists it as I writhe in pain before he pulls it out completely. "Chain her back where she was and leave us for a moment", he says to the men behind him. I watch as they nod and make their way over to me and undo the cuffs, easily lifting me out of the chair and dragging me back over to the mattress. As soon as the chains are clamped back over my limbs they turn and make their way out of the room, leaving the door open just a crack. "No, please", I beg as Mauricio makes his way over to me, "Please no". My pants are ripped down and left to rest around my ankles as he moves his body over me. "Please", I beg.

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