Chapter Twenty-Three

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               The night has grown darker as we wait for Mauricio to wake up. The more I sit here the more I grow impatient. I quickly move from the window and connect my hand across Mauricio's face. I do this once more before his eyes open and he tries to get up, instantly being restrained by the chains around his wrists and ankles. "It's about time you joined the party", I sneer as I make my way over to a table near the window and look at all the items I have laid out. "Why are you doing this?", he asks as he pulls at the chains. "And here I pegged you for a smart man", I sneer as I grab a knife from the table. I keep my eyes on Mauricio as I make my way over to Aaron and plunge the knife into his thigh. I revel as he screams in pain. "Look, I'm sorry", he pleads, "We're sorry". I chuckle, "Oh, now you're sorry. But you weren't sorry back then. You know when I was the one in chains having to go through everything you did to me". His eyes narrow as he continues to pull at the chains, "I'm going to rip you apart as soon as I get out of these chains". I pull the knife out of Aaron's thigh and point it at Mauricio, "There's the Mauricio I know". I quickly plunge the knife into Aaron's shoulder and listen as he tries to contain his scream. I remove the knife and make my way over to Mauricio, dragging the knife along the bottom of his foot and towards his calf. I apply enough pressure and watch as I slice his calf deep. He screams in pain as blood pours out of his open wound. I enjoy each hour that passes as I torture them slowly and painfully. I discard the knife onto the table and swap it for the same whip that they used on me. "Remember this", I ask Abram as I stretch it between my hands, "You should, you're the one who used it on me". I quickly swing the whip and hear as it comes in contact with Abram's bare chest, leaving a perfect slash across it. I swing the whip a few more times and listen as the sounds of it connecting with Abram's skin echo throughout the room. I then turn my attention to Mauricio, "Do you know what it's like to be whipped?", I sneer, "And not the whipping you get from when your parents smack your ass because you misbehaved". Mauricio stares at me as I make my way closer and swing the whip, watching as it connects with his bare stomach. I toss the whip to the ground and observe the scene in front of me. Each man is covered in his own blood as it leaks from their fresh wounds. "Now, this would be the part where you would leave me for the day and someone would come the next day to hose me down", I state, "Unfortunately for you, I can't get a hose all the way up here. But I do have an alternative". I nod to Justice and he reaches outside the door and emerges with a gas can. I take the gas can from him, "Go grab the others". He nods and leaves the room. I smile as I remove the cap and begin to pour its contents on the floor. I make a trail from where I'm standing to the bed and soak Mauricio with gas, before I move to empty the remaining contents on Aaron and Abram. Once the can is empty I toss it to the side. Before I can do anything else a familiar voice sounds from the doorway, "Nikki, please don't do this".

               I turn my attention to see Cain staring at me. "You shouldn't have come here", I state. "Nikki, come on, you've already killed so many people", he pleads. "Exactly", I sneer, "What's three more". "Nikki", Cain pleads. "Justice!", I shout, "Get Cain out of here and tell Carter to coat the first floor". Cain moves towards me, only to be grabbed from behind by Justice. I watch as Justice drags Cain out of the room and listen as they make their way down the stairs. I look one last time at Mauricio, Abram, and Aaron as they struggle to get free. "Sorry not sorry", I state and make my way out of the room and down the stairs where Carter has just finished pouring the rest of the gas. "It's done", he states, "As soon as you light the gas trail down here it will follow the trail leading upstairs". I nod and we make our way towards the elevator. I grab the match box from my pocket and light one. With a sigh I toss it towards the gas trail and watch as it instantly lights. I watch the fire spread as the elevator doors close and we make our way to the bottom floor. As soon as we are outside I stand back and watch as the fire busts the windows out of the loft and I can hear Mauricio and his men's screams. "We better get out of here before the fire department shows up", Justice says. I nod and we make our way to our cars. I open my door and stop to turn to Justice and Carter. "Hey", I shout, "You guys take care of yourselves". "We will", Carter says. "Take care of yourself Nikki", Justice says with a smile on his face. I nod and get inside my car. We part ways as we make our way away from the loft. It's finally over.

               I place the last piece of clothing in my suitcase and zip it up before I place it on its wheels. I take one last look around my room before I make my way towards the front door, stopping once I see Cain standing by the door. "Are you done", he asks. "Cain", I sigh. "Is it over?", he asks, "Are you done killing people?". I sigh, "Yes". "And now you're leaving", he states as his eyes fall to my suitcase. "I am", I reply, "This is the best thing for me right now". "Oh don't give me that bullshit", he sneers, "This was your plan all along, to leave me". "Cain", I sigh and he puts his hand up. "Spare me, please", he sneers, "You know I thought, just maybe, when all of this was over we could be together again. I mean hell even after everything you did, I still love you. And it's because I love you that I can look past all the people you killed and everything you did to me". "Maybe that's the problem", I state, "You're willing to overlook every bad thing I did". "So what", he sneers, "Now you feel guilty?". "No", I state, "But I can't live like this anymore. It's finally over and it's made me realize that I don't know who I am anymore. I'm definitely not who I was and I know that I never will be, but I need to take some time away to figure out who I am now. Who I want to be". He stays silent and stares at me as I make my way towards him. "I'm sorry Cain", I sigh, "I really am, but I have to do this". I peck him on his lips and make my way around him. "I truly wish you the best", I say before I make my way out the door.


               I never knew how much Covul would change while I was gone. Everything is different. The Tigers are the only gang left, Nikki's house is for sale, and Nikki is gone. I sigh as I remember every word of the letter she sent me:


It's finally over, the storm has calmed and it's now safe for you and the others to return to Covul. A lot has changed and I can't explain it all to you in just a few words, you'll have to see for yourself. Enclosed with this letter is our mother's recent will and the deed to the mansion. She left everything to you, so take care of things for me big brother. I'm not the same girl you once knew. She's gone. And it is because of this that I have decided to leave Covul for a little bit. I need to find myself again. I can't continue to live as this vengeful person filled with anger and hatred. In all honesty, I lost myself when we lost Destiny. But I never knew how far I would go until I escaped that warehouse. I wish I could blame them for what they made me into, but to be honest, they simply laid out the option for me. It was my decision to take it and run with it. I promise that you won't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. Take care big brother and I will see you when the time comes where I feel I am ready.

-With Love, Your Little Sister Nikki.

               I guess she was right. 

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