Chapter Fifteen

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               My heels click as I take a few steps through my front door. I make my way down the hall towards my bedroom, listening as broken glass crunches underneath my feet. My gaze falls on a broken picture frame. I lean down to pick it up and my gaze falls on the bullet hole that decorates the center of the picture. I look around and my eyes land on another bullet hole, this one is in the wall and the bullet is still lodged inside. "Nine months and he never thought to clean up the mess", I mumble as I place the picture back on the floor. I hear footsteps and I quickly pull my gun out and point it towards the front door. I lower it when I realize it's my brother Alex and his best friend Nelson. "Woah", Alex says as he puts his hands up in defense, "I guess Cain was right, you've changed". "So you've been talking to Cain", I sneer as I place the gun back in between my waistband and my back. "He's been looking for you since you went missing", Alex replies as he lowers his hands, "So you could say we've spoken a couple times. I mentioned coming to see you and he warned me that you were different. I didn't believe him at first but after what just happened I think he's right". "So what if he's right? Like I told him, I was held captive for nine months, so of course I'm different", I sneer. "I heard they killed Wes", Nelson states. I sigh, "Unfortunately yes, he was the last thing I had from Destiny and like her he's gone now". "Who took you?", Alex asks as he steps closer to me, "Cain said you mentioned that you ended up with the Deckerz, so that means another gang was the one who kidnapped you". I rub my temples and turn my gaze to the bullet in the wall, "Vice were the ones who took me. I didn't know it was them until I woke up in their manor. Like the Tiger's manor, their interior gave them away. It was covered in yellow and gold and most of their furniture had their signature crown carved into it", I pause, "You know in the time I was with Vice it didn't feel like I had been kidnapped. I had access to a bathroom and they fed me three times a day, it was as if they didn't want to hurt me. It's strange". Alex sighs, "What happened after they took you?". I shrug, "I don't know exactly how long it was, but one day a couple of guys dressed in purple barged into the room I was being kept in and dragged me out. I didn't know what was going on until I was brought face to face with Aaron Lynch. It dawned on me who the men were and where I was probably being taken", I take a deep breath and move away from the picture on the floor, "Being with the Deckerz was the complete opposite of being with Vice, they chained me up in a dark room with a shitty mattress and only fed me every once in a while. I was hosed down shortly before they fed me. If I had to put it into weeks then I was tortured two to three times a week, not to mention I was raped sometime after I was tortured". "Sounds like hell", Nelson states. I shake my head, "Hell would've been nicer". I run my fingers through my hair and glance around, taking in the blood stained on my floor. "Would've been nice if someone cleaned up the mess", I snort. "The cops only recently cleared the house to us", Nelson states, "They had it blocked off for months until they decided to close your case". I tilt my eyes up to look at Nelson as he shoves his hands in his pockets, "The cops had a case on me?". He nods and Alex shuffles, "A neighbor called the cops not long after they heard gunshots. They retraced your steps that day and questioned everyone, including Cain and his men". I sigh and lean against the wall where Wes's cage once sat, "Why did they close the case?". "Well, they investigated for months but came up with nothing. They went over everything again and again and after still coming up empty-handed they came to the conclusion that you left town. Lewis told them that you and he talked and you left upset, then they spoke with Cain and he told them about you going to the manor and breaking up with him. They figured you had some kind of meltdown and decided to leave", Nelson explains. "None of the witnesses were able to get a good look at the men who left your house, so the cops figured they were there to help you or something", Alex sighs. "So in other words, the cops gave up on searching for me and decided to close the case as soon as possible", I scoff. Nelson and Alex nod. "Well, if they believe I left Covul then it will make it so much easier for me", I say as I cross my arms across my chest. "Easier for you to do what?", Alex asks. "For me to get my revenge", I say cunningly. "Nikki-", Alex begins before I lift my hand and silence him. "I don't want to hear it. They're not going to get away with this", I sneer, "Neither the Deckerz or the ones responsible for Destiny's death will walk away unscathed". Alex looks at me and I watch as his eyes grow wide, "You mean you know who's responsible?". I nod and lift myself off the wall, "But first I have someone that I need to speak with", I fix my shirt and make my way out of my front door.

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