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"The mafia?" Isaiah scoffed as he looked at his coworker like he just confessed he killed someone.

"Isaiah listen. You know I have background knowledge in the mafia. Just listen." Yoongi scoffed trying to get Isaiah to listen to him and take him seriously.

"Seriously Yoongi, the mafia." Isaiah rolled his eyes but then paused for a second, a puzzled look sweeping over his face. "Actually... wait. Didn't a while back you said you was once in the mafia?" Isaiah stopped in his tracks remember a past conversation between him and Yoongi where he was talking about this subject.

"That's what you know I have background knowledge in the mafia means z." Yoongi replied with a straight face.

Isaiah started to ask something but Yoongi interrupted him before he could get any words out. "And you know I'm not allowed to talk about that so don't ask." He snapped back, glaring back at Isaiah. "I'm not allowed to talk about stuff from then out in the open so... Shush!"

The sound of the tent flap sudden opened casting a sharp ray of sunlight into the dark-ish tent.

"Guys, Tae said to go to the site. why are you two in here? He is waiting on you." Jungkook poked his head in the tent.

Yoongi didn't say anything but just give Isaiah a cold glare before walking out the tent. "Damn, what did you say to give him a reason to look at you like that?" Jungkook laughed but Isaiah didn't find it funny.

"Don't worry about it." he scoffed before bumping past Jungkook leaving him a little caught off guard by the sudden harsh and cold attitude from Z.

[Back at the site where the rest of the group was waiting]

"god, he really ran off again." Taehyung scoffed at the absence of Isaiah before he continued. "Whatever. Lets just get back to work. its already almost noon." Taehyung began to put on a new pair of gloves before he went back to work.

meanwhile, Jimin and Hoseok were standing on the side just watching all this play out.

"You really think Taehyung is ok? He really seems pissed lately." Hoseok watched as Taehyung scoffed around, acting in a normal cold attitude that seemed to be a little more cold than normal lately.

"Probably. He's normally cold." Jimin shrugged, not sure what to do. Its not good when there is conflict between group members especially when they are in this kind of work where peoples lives depend on their ability to work together.

"yeah but, I don't know. something seems off. He is almost too cold, you know?"

"eh, I can see that. I think for the time being we should just let him be. Get back to work. I'll go find my brother. I'll meet you back by here in a few minutes." Jimin patted Hoseok on the shoulder reassuring him it's going to be fine before heading to the tent to find Isaiah.

When Jimin opened the tent door, to his surprise, no one was in there. It left him puzzled. Where would Isaiah be? Where else would he have gone other than the site or be in here. "this dumbass." Jimin whispered with a slight chuckle as he scoffed under his breath at the thought of his dumb stepbrother just walking off.

Jimin came out of the tent and his eyes immediately looked everywhere. The only people he saw were the rest of the team, still missing Isaiah.

"Hey, you guys know where z went? I looked in the tent and he isn't there." Jimin approached Jungkook and Jin who were just talking a few feet from the tent. Jin shook his head with a confused look. "He isn't in there?"

"Nope. I was hoping someone might have seen where he went." Jimin shrugged looking around hoping Isaiah is somewhere near by.

"I haven't seen him since I ran into him and Yoongi from the tent. He walked out but I didn't leave the tent for a few minutes since I had to take a call. That was why I went in the tent in the first place. I didn't even know they were in there when I walked in." Jungkook shrugged.

"Well, do you have any clue where he could have gone?" Jimin groaned growing frustrated at this situation.

"How would I know." Jungkook chuckled. "You're his brother. You know him best." Jimin rolled his eyes with an annoyed sigh. "Jeez thanks for the help." Jimin scoffed sarcastically getting a little muffled chuckle from Jin.

*buzz buzz*

All three guys looked down at their phones almost at the exact same time. It was a message from Taehyung. They were to meet in the tent for a meeting.

<--------------------- --------------------->

"Ok, so what do you want us to do? How can we even be sure these people have something to do with this?" Jin argued. Everyone in the team except Isaiah was Present, standing almost in a circle around the table that was set in the tent.

"Guys, come on. What could hurt with us at least looking into it?" Jimin shrugged looking around the table at the other members of the team for their reactions.

"Guys, Jimins right. Jimin knows what he is doing with the computer shit. I thought we all knew that by now. If these guys have anything to do with these reports and cases, he will definitely catch it. It won't hurt to try." Hoseok butted in, defending Jimin. He looked around at the guys reactions and for a few moments no one said a word in reply.

Taehyung nods, before he decides to speak. "Yeah, you guys are ri-"

The flap of the tent comes up casting a stream of sunlight into the tent, and when everyone inside the tent turns their head in that direction, their eyes stop on the exact face who was missing, just standing there, silent.

"Seriously Isaiah." Jimin scoffed with a heavy sigh as he rolled his eyes. "Where in the world have you been?" Taehyung blurted out, raising his voice almost to a full yell out of frustration.

"Do you realize how unprofessional you are acting by just leaving the sight without informing anyone? We all delayed our work to look and wait for you." Taehyung continued, his face cold and very clearly angry.

"Um, I went back to the hotel because I forgot something important for my laptop. You guys didn't get my text?" Z stepped in, setting his laptop case on the table. Everyone blankly stared back at Isaiah.

Everyone pulled out their phones and indeed Isaiah sent them all a text about him leaving and where he was going. No one saw it tho because everyone had their phones on mute as they usually do if they are in person at a crime scene.

"Also, you guys should know Samantha, our witness, she's here for the interview outside, ready."


To be continued...

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