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Every day becomes harder than the last with each new piece of information I learned from Kash. MANTAH CORP just seems to get stronger each time we think we have hope to defeat them. Their weapons and technology go beyond our capabilities. Maybe it's just now that I notice it but, we were blinded by being heroes. When the truth is that is the furthest from what we are... normal kids, with normal kid abilities. 

Darius lays back into the alienated comfortable bedding provided to him. He wishes that he never thought this way, wishes he could keep the same optimistic façade that most likely got them into this mess when everyone else wanted to go home. To their families, friends, and life. Whether they tolerated each other or not there was always the awkward sense of homesickness lingering. 

The small boy sighed and turned his back away from reality, knowing that it would always be ten steps ahead of him no matter where he turned. He shifted restlessly as the smell of distilled air attacked his nostrils and the sound of BRADS patrolling the halls clanking and tapping caused him to tense his muscles unconsciously.  

He thinks about his mother and her home cooking. He thinks about his only brother who seems to annoy him whenever he breathes, yet is his sturdiest rock. And only sometimes when he feels like his walls are down, and he can't take another breath, does he think about his dad. His small empty room was filled with small sobs and muffled sniffles throughout the night. 

Everything was better this way, under the guise of the darkness where no one could lay their eyes upon you at your weakest moment. Though from the weakest moments will the most powerful life-changing decisions begin to form. 

[the next morn...]

The small group of campers minus Darius were with Dr. Mae Turner in her bunker hidden behind the rushing waterfall. "We've got to get Darius back asap." Sammy broke the small silence of awkwardness. Standing up she snapped her fingers putting emphasis on her words. "I agree." Dr. Turner stopped her pacing facing the brave group of kids she has in her care. 

"We don't know when Kash will find out that Darius has been lying to him. And there is only so much we can do, but..."But, if we take Darius out too soon it'll look suspicious only making it harder to do anything more without being caught." Dr. Turner looked at the mangy pink-haired girl. Her eyes were widening at the realization that Darius has no choice but to stay.

"Sadly this is the case." Mae sighed. "Man, this sucks! What the hell bro why'd you have to go and get yourself caught." Kenji pouted while Brooklyn patted his back in comfort. "It's ok Kenji we'll figure it out somehow." Kenji thought about his closest friend while leaning onto Brooklyn's smaller shoulders.





A BRAD intruded his room at the crack of dawn giving his nerves no time to rest after his epiphany of the situation he put his group in last night. He rubbed his eyes hoping to get rid of any crust on his face. "What do you want you stupid robot." BRADS always seemed to find a way to piss him off. The robot in question only stared at him with its camera eyes and didn't move, sending shivers down Darius's spine.

His door opened again, Where's the privacy here, oh wait I don't get any. "Hey, you punk don't call my BRADS stupid. You're the stupid one! " Darius winced as Kash raised his annoyingly squeaky voice. Kash carried his clipboard plus another tossing it on the comforter he never used. "Today you'll be helping to prove your undying 'loyalty' to me." He raised his right hand for quotation marks. He looked up from tapping away at the screen to see Darius's smile. "Woah it's a little too early for that energy of yours kid. And go wash up you look like a piece of shit." Darius's act almost falter as he held back his tongue. When Kash left the room his smile turned into one of annoyance.

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