The room is...large.

Marisol doesn't look around too much. It's someone bedroom after all and she doesn't wanna be creepy. She instead swallows heavily and just looks at the vanity where the Queen sits.

They're...quite gorgeous. Whitish gold hair with stunningly blue eyes and a thin frame. They get up and walk over to Marisol, smiling.

"Hello, it's lovely to properly meet you" they say, "call me Charlie, yes?"

"...Yes, Charlie" Marisol says with a nod and Charlie hums,

"Well, Marisol...cutting to the chase, a party of sorts is coming up and I was wondering if you wished to attend"


Charlie smiles, "You are a guest of my husbands and I"

"...Uh-Who will be there?" Marisol asks, as politely as she can.

Charlie hums in thought, "The sins of course, higher ranked demons, friends of the royal family perhaps if my brothers behave"

Charlie rolls their eyes fondly. Marisol just keeps her semi nervous smile, she's not as scared now that it seems she's not about to be gutted.

"It sounds lovely but I mean...I don't really have any party ready clothes" She looks down at the simple white gown she's wearing, Charlie shrugs,

"I can send a tailor..."

"..Then sure, I wouldn't mind attending, especially since I'm gonna be here a while, may as well be...uh...sociable?"

Charlie just smiles at her, "lovely...I'll tell my husband you agreed"

Marisol nods. Keeps standing there. Charlie seems amused,

"You're free to go back to Wrath if you wish Marisol" they say and Marisol nods,

"Right...okay...hey uh...everyone's been saying he's a jerk but-"

"He likes you"


Charlie just shrugs, "It's obvious...he himself may not know it yet but..." they wave a hand absentmindedly like they're brushing away that idea.

Marisol swallows heavily, "...Well, thanks Charlie"

"Of course"

With that, Marisol does leave. Closing the heavy door behind her carefully and going back off to search for Wrath.

Or the kitchens.

Whichever came first really.

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