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Bong cha was walking down the hallway of her school although all she really wanted to do was to stay home and sleep until she turns 50. Life after 50 is so much better, she was thinking to herself, being completely absent minded. 

She saw some of her classmate and started talking for a while until she decided to go and find the only person that can truly see her true colours. and this person could probably be Boo Seungkwan. 

Before she even meets the stairway leading upstairs she felt someone seizing her wrist, and dragging her inside a room. To be more specific, the janitor's closet - a really narrow small room for only two people to exist. 

"Where do you think you are going Bong Bong?" His mellow voice reminded her of who that person was as she could barely see because of the lack of light. 

"What are you doing?" She whispered. 

"I missed you..." He whispered back mocking her way of whispering. "And why did you drag me inside this closet to tell me that?" She whispered back. "Because I can't do what I wanna do out there in public..." He now said in a kinda seductive voice. 

"A-And what is that?" She was taken off guard by that statement. Even though she couldn't be sure, still she could feel Hao's eyes staring at her lips. The man placed his one hand on her cheek  and then softly leaned. He didn't kiss her right away, but froze when his lips were really close. 

"What's happe-" She stuttered while the anticipation was building up. That's when Hao interrupted her with his lips. It was a delicate touch at first but ended up being a lustful smooch that made her heart flutter. 

"I wanted a good morning kiss..." 

"So... We are gonna do that every morning?" She stuttered in secret fear. "You've never been in a relationship before, haven't you?" He teased her. Thank god the room was in a lack of light and Hao didn't see her blush. "What? Psh... Of course I... I..." She was trying to find the right words to say but Minghao brushed his lips against hers for one more time.

"Yes We are gonna do this every morning..." He patted her head after the kiss. She stayed speechless. Deep down she knew it wasn't that bad after all. "Leave your schedule after School empty..." He announced. 

"What? Why? What is after Schoo?" She tried to remember like she already knew but totally forgot that Hao was always full of surprises. "Our first date..." He announced with the most adorable smile in the world. 

"Our first what?" 

"And you surely never been in a relationship before!" He teased her again. "H-Hey-" She was about to scold him yet he was fast enough to give her a quick peck on the cheek. "Its okay, After I am done with you, You wouldn't wanna be in any other relationships.." He continued teasing her. 

"Oh Really? And how are you gonna set the bar so high?" She crossed her arms. Minghao had that sly smirk on while approaching her ear. "Do you want me to show you now?" He slowly touched her arm and she took a step back only to feel the wall behind her. 

Her heart was beating so fast she could actually hear it. 

"Be patient, You'll find out soon Bong Bong..." He gave her a last kiss on the cheek and took some steps back. As soon as he opened the door, beams of light started getting in, but because he was in the middle of the door the lights were coming into the perfect combination with his skin. 

Now Bong Cha could see him smile. He waved at her quite flirtatious as the girl was immobilised, gazing at how pretty this boy was all this time yet she never noticed him. How could she not pay attention to him when she should be with him years ago? 

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