two tickets for a concert

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Minghao went home after that day with a huge smile occupying his lips. She loves him, she might haven't admitted that yet but he is assured by her tiny interaction towards his face. He could be described as the happiest man on the world. 

But still.. 

Something was still aching inside of him. Was it Vernon and his sudden change of behaviour? Probably that was it. And the worst part was that Hao had no idea of the reason. Did he do something to him? Will that destroy their group? 

He tried to focus back on the girl while taking off his shirt, preparing himself to sleep. He dived back on his bed with his two hands behind his head. At first he stared at the ceiling. He was peeking his phone apart while thinking of the girl, but then he slowly looked at his desk. 

An almost opened drawer cut his attention. It was open yet not entirely closed. He narrowed his eyebrows and got up. His hands landed on the handle and pulled it to open. Then he realised it seemed more empty than before. To be more specific... something was missing... 

His eyes were wide open while he was trying to search inside but still he couldnt find what he was looking for. 

"No..." He mumbled to himself but the tape he was looking for was still not there. In quick steps he dials Jun's number even thought it was kinda late. "Mmhm?" A mumble was audible through the other side. 

"Have you taken the tape?" Jun was half asleep when Hao decided to call him so he probably didn't undrestand a single thing. "What tape? Just let me sleep for god's sake..." Jun heavily breathed with eyes hell closed. 

"Jun... the tape is missing..." Hao announced and Jun slowly opened his eyes, realising he aint gonna get any sleep for now. "Vernon's tape...?" He finally started realising what all this is about. "Yeah. Do you wanna listen the worst part?" Hao caressed the back of his neck quite awkwardly/ 

"I dont thing it can get any worser for your girl but anyway, shoot..." Jun finally sat on his bed instead of laying only to prevent sleep from coming. 

"I think that Vernon took it..." 


"You are kidding?" Jun at first thought it was all a prank at 12;00 Am on a school night. Well, it was far from something like this. "You are not..." He let reality sink in because Hao's silence was something like An answer to him. 

"How can you be sure?" That was a question Hao was trying to collect information about. "Well, He came here yesterday and I let him alone in my room for a while. When I return he seemed hectic and today that I saw him he seemed angry at me. Also, I found the drawer open and I dont remember opening it, What does this mean?" Hao trailed down. 

"That Vernon took it!" 

"Sherlock..." He scoffed and sat on his bed. "Look, we are gonna ask him tomorrow, okay?" He announced. "But if he didn't do it, we are gonna be such fools to do so! Haven't you thought of that?" He aggressively said. 

"You know something? Lets talk about this tomorrow. I have to sleep..." Jun was not willing to waste any more of his night for this stupid tape. "But... Moon Junhwi-" Hao was about to scold him but Jun hang up right on time. 

"Bong Cha is gonna kill me..." He murmured and dived back on his bed. 


Tomorrow morning: 

Bong Cha walked inside the class only to find Kwan sitting on his ordinary seat but she was not expecting a certain someone to also be sitting next to him. 

"Vern?" She announced with a smile. 

"Oh Good morning beautiful..." He also had a huge smile plastered on his face. Bong still couldnt see the change of his behaviour towards her as well. Maybe because she thought that's how friends act. 

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