Chapter 1

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"Are you fucking joking?" I mumbled, under my breath, as to not be heard swearing in front of children. I mean I was subject to swearing as a child and look how I turned out, top of my class at Harvard law school at 19. I graduated high school at 15, then decided to go to Harvard. "Stop swearing there's children about" the women in front of me hissed at me, i roll my eyes at her and scoff. She looks kinda pissed off but doesn't say anything back. I stand up, trying to make myself taller as I slide into the aisle of the plane, looking over other peoples heads that are crowding the aisle. Maybe I should have listened to my dad's advice and flown business class or private. I scoff again after waiting 5 minutes only for some women to start pulling a pushchair from the overhead lockers. I decide I'm not waiting any longer so push through the seats in the centre of the aircraft to the other aisle that seems emptier.

Within two minutes I was off the aircraft and onto the gangplank walking into passport control at jfk. The Queue for passport control was shorter than that to leave the flight, I stepped forward to the kiosk when it was my turn, handing over my open passport, driver's license and plane tickets. He looks over them all, he then nods and let's me through the gate. As I arrive at the bag carousel I notice my bag going round, I run to get it so I don't have to wait another round to grab it, as I get closer someone pushes me and I feel myself go flying across the cold marble floor of the bag collection hall. "Rude" I yell, standing up and looking around for my case, but it's no where to be seen now. I turn glancing toward the exit to see someone wheeling my bag away, "stop, that's my bag" i shout, noticing that it definitely was mine, with the red, navy and white luggage tag on it. They turn around to see me and run, pushing past people to get out of the doors. "What a welcome home present" i say, sighing loudly, "hey I couldn't help overhear someone took your bag?" A man says to me, i nod, he smiles at me, but he gives me creepy vibes. He smirks, stepping toward me, I take a step back, "it's ok doll" he says, smirking again but this time sinisterly. I can feel shivers running down my spine, I watch as his eyes dart toward my bag slung across my shoulder. "Now you have none" he yells, dragging the strap from over my arm and making a run for it. "Stop" I yell, trying to run after him, but it's no use, he's faster. Well that's the definition of loosing everything in one go. But more importantly how am I going to get to the office without my phone or any money. The only thing I had left was my passport, firmly held in my hand still.

If only I had let Dad send Ray to pick me up, if only I hadn't insisted on getting there on my own means, sometimes I think I should learn to accept help from others. I decide to start heading to the office, it's an hour walk from the airport, so I better get started. It's rubbish, as my purse was in that bag with my phone, I think anyway, I could have used my bloody money to pay for a tube to the office, but no, I now have to walk all the way to Manhattan.

1 hour later...

"Ugh" I scoff, walking into the lifts at the firm, my feet were killing Me, walking an hour from jfk to manhattan in heels isn't fun. Sorry Dad but the first thing I'm doing is getting a drink and a snack when I get out of the lift. I step out of the lift and into what looks like rush hour, aka all the interns and associates are now arriving for the day. Trying to navigate my way through the crowds of people pushing and shoving trying to get to their cubicles and offices before my dad comes and yells at them all. I eventually push through them all, toward the kitchen/ snack bar, it was difficult as they are all a lot taller than 5ft me.

As I walk into the kitchen, I notice a cup holder thing, full off different coffees from Starbucks, each with peoples names on. I decide to take a look, even though I know its not likely someone got me one, considering not many people know me. But sure enough at the back of the crate, there's a frappe cup, with my name on the side of it. I take the drink, realising it's definitely mine as it's a chocolate chip frappe with whipped cream and chocolate flakes. I grab a snack bar from the basket and head out, toward my office. Feeling kinda excited about seeing my name on a glass door is not normal for most people, but if my dad was true to his promise, my name should be etched on the door with my new title of junior partner. It was a condition of me heading off to Harvard at 15, that if I was graduating top of my class my dad would name me junior partner.

Thinking happily about screaming at the new interns who are much older than me, i turn a corner before smacking straight into someone. "Shit" he says, offering a hand to help me up, i roll my eyes at him, "this is a professional workplace we don't say shit" I reply, not even saying thanks. "Who are you?" He asks, as I try to walk off, I ignore him as I continue to head for my office, at least I have a change of clothes in my office that I can wear now that I have coffee all over my skirt. I 1000% can not go into my dads office looking like this. I set my half spilt coffee and snack bar on the desk, before heading to the cupboard to grab a fresh set of clothes. I grab them and head to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. "Tif?" I hear someone yell, as I walk down the hall toward the restroom. "Yes?" I ask, turning around to see a familiar face. Donna.

My dad's PA she has been here for years, she used to babysit me as a child when dad used to go out to his business meetings. "Your father wants you in his office" she explains, i nod, "Great to see you back Tif" she continues hugging me. "I'm just going to get cleaned up and I will be 5 minutes, some stupid intern knocked into me and covered me in coffee" i explain, she nods and leaves.

I sigh loudly, as I pull off my blouse, today surely can't get any worse. It's 10 Am and already I have lost my luggage, got my bag stolen, had to walk here from the airport and had coffee thrown at me. What else can go wrong. I quickly finish getting ready and head off to my dad's office. As I approach it, I can see him sat with his feet up on the desk, looking like he's lecturing someone. I can't see who he's lecturing though. "Just go in" Donna says to me as i approach the glass door, where the writing read, "Harvey Specter, chief managing partner" etched in blue across the door.

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