Chapter 2

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"Get out" he yells, at the man, still sat back chilling in his chair, with his feet on the desk. "Tiffany my darling daughter, how lovely for you to join us, take a seat" he says, as he stares at the other man as if he's about to kill him. "How was your flight?" He asks, i pull a face, trying to not give away to much, but he obviously already knows, he's not the best lawyer in the state for nothing. "What happened tiff?" He asks, i sigh, knowing I'm going to have to tell him. "The flight was fine" I reply, trying to downplay it, he raises his eyebrows at me. "Ok, ok, so my luggage got stolen and my bag" i say, staring at the floor, waiting for a response. "How?" He says calmly, i sigh then reply "so my case was taken off the carousel before I could get it and then some man mobbed me for my bag, so I had to walk here from the airport without a phone and money" i explain. His face drops. "I will call the airport and  get the footage, I will get Donna to order you a new phone, but for the moment, me and you are going to go and shout at some interns" he responds. I nod, standing up and following him out of the room. "Water" he says, flinging a bottle of water at me, i catch it perfectly. "Nice to see you still have my catch" my dad says giggling, i roll my eyes and pull the lid from the bottle taking a sip.

"Mike?" My dad says, leaning over one of the cubicles, "do you have that patent?" He asks him. Mike nods and passes him a file. "Mike, can I see you in my office in 20 mins, we are just on our way to give some work to interns" my dad explains. "Yes, I will meet you in 10, Harvey" Mike replies, my dad nods and takes me by the hand. "Come on Tiffany" my dad says, basically dragging me.

I follow him down into one of the conference rooms, he opens the door, there's like 50 interns sat in there. "Just waiting for Rachel now" he says, pulling two seats at the end of the table, "sit" he says. I take my seat, setting my bottle on the desk. Rachel walks in through the door, taking the seat on the other side of my dad. My dad stands up, "right you lot, Rachel is away on holiday for the next few weeks, so You will have a new reporting officer, while Rachel is away" he explains. "Is it sweet cheeks over there?" One of them says pointing to me, my face goes red I don't know what to do with myself, the ground needs to swallow me up. "You speak to my daughter that way again and you won't have a job" my father hisses at him. "Your daughter?" He says, choking on his water, he's definitely shocked. "Your putting your daughter in charge of us?" He asks, he looks furious, "you already have enough control with Rachel being in charge, but now what ever the slut you slept with named her specter is in charge, just so you can watch us more closely" he yells. It's like being hit in the face with a brick. "Out of line" my dad yells, banging his fists on the table. "Your done" he continues "Tiffany will be your commanding officer she's the next in charge so she's the one doing it, ok, now anyone else got a problem with that?" He continues, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Tiff?" Donna says, sticking her head around the door, "a package arrived for you, what do you want doing with it?" She asks. I look at my dad who looks confused, "I didn't order anything to the office, i ordered another months worth of contact lenses but I had them ordered to dads for when I got back, from Harvard" I explain. "It's fine don't worry about it, just stick it in my office, I will sort it later" i say, Donna nods and leaves. Everyone stares at me, "Tiff anything you wanna say to everyone?" My dad asks, raising an eyebrow, "nah" I reply, standing up and walking out.

I walk out of the conference room and to my office, thinking about the mystery parcel. As I walk round the corner to my office, I see a massive bouquet of flowers in the centre of my desk, a Tiffany blue envelope in the centre of the bouquet with a large white rose sticking up in the centre. "Tiffany, my office" my dad says as he walks behind me, i nod turning around and following him. I turn around and follow him into his office, taking a seat in front of his desk. "Who's the flowers from?" He asks, i shrug, "I don't know, I didn't open the card with it" I reply. "Mike come in, take a seat" he says, Mike walks in taking a seat beside me.

"Mike, Tiffany will be shadowing you for the next week" he says, Mike nods not seeming bothered. "Are you having a laugh, Dad?" I say, outraged "I'm the one who actually went to law school, I'm 19 fresh out of law school, I'm graduating top of my class next month while being 5 years younger than others in my class, yet you want me to shadow your associate, the one I remember you telling me about, not even actually going to law school" i shout. Mike looks taken aback, but my dad doesn't say anything he stands up, looking me dead in my eye "Tiffany Victoria Specter, you will not speak to your father that way, I'm your boss first and your father second" he replies, absolutely furious. "Of course, what did I expect, no wonder you shipped me off to boarding school the first opportunity you got" I yell back, my dad looks like he's going to explode. "Where are you going?" He yells after me, I ignore him and walk out of his office.

I go back to my office, sitting at my desk looking over some patents, when I look up to see my dad stood in my office doorway. "Tiff, I'm sorry" he says, he sounds upset, he sighs, walking toward my desk and taking the seat in front of me. He shoves the flowers across the desk, "who are they from?" He asks, calmly, I decide not to reply and just take the blue envelope with the white ribbon from the flowers. I open the envelope pulling out a white card, that seems blank, I flip it over, it reads "thought you could run Tiffy, well you can't hide - J". My breath catches in my throat, I can feel myself panicking, "Tiffs?" My dad says, standing up, "who is it from?" He asks. "Jason" I reply, his face drops, "what the fuck does that arsehole want" he yells. I shrug, taking my seat, picking up my desk phone and ringing reception, "can I get some cleaners up here please?" I say, they agree and I put the handset down.

"Can I file a restraining order dad?" I ask.

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