Chapter 6*

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Harvey's pov:
"I think as Marcos lawyer emancipation is the last resort, it allows Marco to go pro, however if you allow Marco to go pro without legal action, it would be a preferred option" i explain, smirking slightly. Trying to get this parent to budge is going to be impossible. "I have no doubt you love Marco very much and just want to protect him, but your taking away his career that could benefit both of you and set your son up for life" I continue, I watch as his face gets redder and redder he looks furious. "Do you have children mr specter?" He yells, obviously I know the answer as I have Tiffany but I don't answer, the only thing I'm thinking about is when I thought I did what was best for her, by leaving her with her grandmother while I was away on a business trip. I should have taken her with me, I think to myself, still living with regret, you wouldn't think that leaving your child with their grandparent would nearly kill them would you. You would never have even thought that weeks after leaving your child with their grandmother, that you would watch them wither away in front of your eyes in a hospital bed. I'm quickly snapped back to reality as Marco's father makes a snarky remark. "That's what I thought" he snarks, standing up to leave, as he gets closer to the door, i shout "yes I do".

He turns around to look at me with a slightly puzzled expression. "I have a daughter, I know what your feeling, you want to protect your child to save them from anything going wrong and ruining their life" i continue. He continues to stare at me and nod, I think I may have gotten through to him, he retakes his seat. "How olds your daughter?" He asks, i smile thinking about Tiffany now versus 10 years ago in hospital. "She's 19" I reply. He smiles in response, then looks as though he's thinking about a response "you only want to do what's best for them, I already regret a few things I made decisions about while raising him I don't want to make anymore" he explains. I nod realising that I'm relating to this man, who just yelled and berated me.

"I tried to protect my daughter by sending her to her grandmother when she was 9, I was going on a business trip to Atlanta and due to the high profile case I was working I was worried she would be a target" i explain, trying to remain composure. He nods listening attentively. "Biggest regret of my life" I continue, his face drops, so does Marcos. "What happened?" Marcos father asks, i swallow hard "her grandmother convinced her she was fat, that if she ate anything unhealthy She would be a disappointment and would never get anywhere in life. Tiffany was only 9 at the time so listened to what she said, she didn't eat her meals for maybe a month or so before I got a phone call from her school, she was unconscious in one of the bathrooms" i explain. It's definitely a hard topic for me to talk about but if it gets my client sorted it gets my client sorted. "I went to pick her up, when I got there one of the teachers said she hadn't seen her eat for a few days. I rushed her to hospital where the doctors confirmed she was severely underweight and if she had gotten an illness she could have died as her body wasn't functioning properly, it was starting to shut down" i explain, again swallowing at the end of my sentence. "I basically was watching as my daughter withed away in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but blame myself" I continue, trying not to bloody cry infront of a client.

"What happened to your daughter, I'm guessing she recovered?" He asks, i nod in response and take a deep breath before continuing. "Yes she's fully healed now, after lots of therapy and counselling she's happy and healthy" i explain, finishing my sentence before I do actually burst into tears in front of my client. "It's not your fault you didn't know what was going to happen, I'm just glad your daughter is better now" he says smiling. As he finishes his sentence there's a knock at the door, it's Donna. "Come in, we are just finishing up" i say, Donna opens the door. "Sorry for disrupting your meeting Harvey, there's a problem in the bullpen and Tiffany's involved" she explains. My heart sinks, what the fuck is going on. "I'm so sorry I will be right back after I sort this out with the contracts and then you can be on your way" i explain, standing up buttoning my blazer and dashing out the meeting room in direction of the bullpen.

Tiffany's pov:
"Your not very respectful you know" I remark, sniggering at him. He looks frazzled and starts to quicken his pace. "I would never sleep with you if my life depended on it" I yell, bursting into fits of laughter. I watch as Mike whose desk I am still leant on, picks up the phone and dials it. I'm guessing he's either dialling my father or Donna. Probably Donna if we are completely honest as my fathers in a meeting. "Donna can you get Harvey we have a problem?" He says, sounding kinda worried, I don't hear donnas reply but I'm guessing she said yes as he quickly put the phone back on the hook. "Ah come on darling, you know you want to" he says, smirking and getting closer. He goes to grab my wrist but I move it out of reach. I laugh in response. "How do I say this politely" i say, sniggering and smirking "erm fuck off" I snarl, I don't think he's too happy about what I just said as it just made him advance even more.

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