Chapter 11

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I turn around, absolutely seething the dumbo had her phone screen and the flash on while filming the conversation. "Did I say you could film or tape the conversation?" I ask, shouting as I walk back toward her ready to beat her up. She stumbles back a step before looking at me, smirking and then denying it. I scoff, does she think I'm thick. "Get your employee in line dad, she's filming the conversation which is illegal without both parties consent" i remark. Smirking happily at whatever her name is, who is now scratching her elbow in embarrassment. "Got ya, you can deal with this I'm going home" i explain, turning and walking off.

"Im sick of you, your just a first year associate by the looks of it" she shouts at me. Did this dumb bitch really just call me a first year associate more like she's a first year associate and I'm her boss. "Just incase you didn't know you answer to me not the other way around" I snarl, now getting even more pissed than before. "And why would I answer to you?" She asks, before laughing which sounded like a pig trying to sound like a witch, which in other words could be associated with nails on a chalkboard. "Because I'm junior partner and your" i say, pause then look her up and down before pursing my lips and continuing with "a first year associate, but I'm only saying that on a limb, maybe an intern more likely, see what I'm saying" I continue. I probably shouldn't get into a fight with another employee but like I could get out of it easy enough right, my dad isn't the best lawyer in New York for nothing.
She erupts into a cackle of laughter again trying to sound like a witch but miserably failing. I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms ready for this ingenious reply she's going to come out with, incase you didn't get that I was being sarcastic, there's nothing clever about this girl, other than the piece of paper she got with a law degree on it.
"I think you better pipe down or I can get you fired I'm not Louis Litt's personal associate for nothing" she replies. All I could think of was that she's a right god damn smarmy bitch, if you know what I mean. "I don't think you should be speaking to my daughter like that, remember your place katerina, one more step out of line at my daughter or even Mike again and you will be out with the door slamming right behind you" my dad yells. He's clearly pissed.

"As I said earlier my out of office is on because I'm out for a run, If you have a problem speak to Louis but you should already be familiar with that because as you said your his personal associate. So good day and leave us god damn alone" my father continues, I think he's going to burst kinda like mount Vesuvius. "Toodles" i say, giving her the most pissy smile of my life, am I proud of that, yes I am. We both walk away, walking until we get to the corner which we turn and continue on with our run for a few more minutes until we reach the penthouse.

Just so you know the penthouse was bought by my father when he was first made associate for Jessica after leaving the DA's office as a present to himself. This is actually where he lived with the women who we do not mention until she went off the wall and I was born but again that's a story for another time.

10 mins later...
We arrive at the penthouse, i go straight upstairs to get changed into some more comfy clothes as it's starting to get colder. I chuck on a hoody and leggings, then go downstairs to the cinema ready to catch up on the new episodes of drive to survive. As I walk down the stairs I notice the front door is open and my dad is stood talking to someone, the conversation is very hushed. "Hey" i say walking off the bottom stair and across the kitchen toward the cinema room. "Hey sweetie where are you off to?" My dad says turning round  "just to the cinema to catch up on some shows" i reply, walking off toward the other room. "You might as well come in Mike" my dad says, I watch as Mike walks in to our penthouse. "Hey Tiffany" Mike says, "Hiya" I reply, as I continue walking toward the stairs to the bottom floor. "This is like deja vu" Mike says as I go to step onto the stairs leading down. I shrug in reply and walk down the stairs, ready for an evening of snacks and good tv.

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