Chapter 6: Second Chances

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Alexa woke up. She rubbed her eyes and checked her phone. After that she lay down in bed for a few minutes before her father called from downstairs.

"Did you wake up yet, Lex?" he asked from the living room.

"Yeah, just getting ready!" Alexa replied as she finally got out of bed.

As she was getting ready, she suddenly realized that she didn't have school today, and forgot to tell her dad. She chuckled at her own mistake, shook her head and went downstairs and told her dad.

"Aww I had already made lunch for you, though!" he said exasperatedly, looking sadly at the spaghetti he had made.

"Haha its ok, I'll have it for lunch." Alexa grinned as she hugged her dad and went upstairs.

She wanted to lie down in bed again, but thought that she could instead hang with Lucy. She called Lucy.

"Good morning, Lex." Lucy said, sounding kinda sad.

"Good morning! You sound er-" Alexa said.

"Yeah... Wanna meet up the park?"

"Sure, I'll see you there!" Alexa said and hung up the phone. She was slightly concerned as to what may have happened.

Oliver had suddenly fell sick, so she hadn't seen him since the day in the movie theater. They only talked on call. She changed and went downstairs. Her dad was about to go to work and she took the other house key. Then she left for the park. As she was passing the woods, she found that they looked quite familiar... but she just couldn't understand why they seemed so familiar.

She arrived at the park and sat at the park bench and waited for Lucy. As she was waiting for Lucy, she saw Nathan, looking slightly down. She found this slightly unusual, as Nathan was always quite full of spirit.

"Hey, Nathan!" she called out to him.

He smiled. "Oh, hey Lex!" he waved as he walked towards her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was waiting for Lucy. She said we would meet up here."

"Oh, she's coming too?" he asked, turning pink.

"Yeah. Wait a minute..." she suddenly had a thought. "Why are you both sounding so sad? "

"Er- well," he began awkwardly "Since you went fishing with your dad, me and Lucy decided to hang out and I er- I-"

"Go on" Alexa grinned.

"I asked her out, okay?" he said turning as red as a tomato.

"That's great!" but then her smile faded "But then...what went wrong?"

"Well, Lucy seemed really happy, and she said yes, but I ran away from the coffee shop..." he said, looking as though he definitely wished he didn't.

"I-" she was trying her best to keep a straight face "Why did you run away, though?"

"Er I was embarrassed...?" he sighed. "I'm gonna ask her out again. I feel really sorry and I hope I didn't hurt her feelings..."

"Well, she seemed kinda sad when I talked to her an hour ago," she said awkwardly.

"Did she?" He said weakly, looking thoroughly sorry.

At that moment, Lucy came.

"Hey, Lex-" she began, but then she saw Nathan standing there awkwardly too, and stopped in her steps.

"Oh, hi Natha-" she began awkwardly, but Nathan cut across her.

"Lucy, listen" Nathan stepped forward "I'm sorry about yesterday. I really do like you. I've liked you for years and was hoping if you could please give me another chance?" he asked, giving an awkward smile.

Lucy smiled warmly. She waited a moment and said "I like you too, and I certainly wanna go on that date." And then they both smiled at each other, looking tomato red.

They were both looking quite happier now.

"I'm really sorry to ruin the moment," Alexa said "but it's freezing out here-"

"Should we all grab a latte at the coffee shop?" Lucy suggested.

"Yeah." They all laughed and went to the coffee shop.

They spent their whole day chatting and having fun. Alexa realized that soon she would have to be the third wheel sometimes, but was totally fine with it.

When she reached home, her dad had come back from home.

"Hi, dad. How was work?" she asked him.

"Pretty good. But kinda tiring." He yawned.

"Yeah, I understand. I'm gonna go to my room, okay? Good night dad." She smiled.

"Sure you're not hungry?" he asked her.

"No, I'm fine. I ate dinner at Lucy's home.

"All righty then! Goodnight, kiddo." He smiled.

"Goodnight dad." She smiled and went upstairs to her room.

She took a glimpse at her alarm clock. It read 9:03. It was only nine but she was really sleepy. She changed into her pj's and crept into her bed. She was sleeping...a deep sleep...

She was, again, running into the woods. This time, she was panicking. She was worried. She was panting really hard. She was running around, holding the locket up to every tree possible, but the portal wasn't opening. "What if the portal has closed...?" Alexa could hear her whispering. She started crying. There were tears in her eyes. But at last, she was able to find the correct tree, and quickly crawled through the hole. As soon as she was about to read the other end, Alexa woke up, panting. "That dream again!" she thought, as she wiped the sweat off her face. She drank a glass of water. She was frustrated. She really wanted to see what was on the other end of that portal thing. She thought that if she slept again, she might be able to see the dream again. But she couldn't. Thoroughly annoyed, she opened up her phone and started scrolling through social media until she fell asleep.

She was feeling slightly bored. She wanted to find out who this person was, why she was seeing these dreams, and where the portal led to. She decided to wear her mom's locket and took it out of its box when she suddenly remembered that the Alexa was there instead of Daisy. Who did that? And why? All these questions were buzzing around her head, that she barely heard her dad say "I'm going, sweetheart!"

"Okay, dad!" she replied. She heard the door shut.

At that time, Oliver's call came on her phone. She picked it up.

"Hello, Alexa?" he asked.

"Hi, Oliver!" she smiled.

"Hey, wanna hang out?" Oliver asked.


'Will Lucy and Nathan also be there?'

"Could you call and ask them?" he asked

"Yeah, okay." She said.

"Well, see you at the park at...10?" he asked

"Yep! See you there." Smiling, she hung up the call.

She called Lucy and Nathan and asked them if they would come, but they both were busy.

"Probably on a date or something." she thought, happily, smirking.

So, she got ready and went to the park and saw Oliver, sitting on one of the table-bench things.

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