Advent Abaddon Part 3: Kill Fate

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November 29th

The sound of a loud crash echoed across the night sky—a lightning bolt's radiance illuminating the endlessness of a desert-like terrain. In the confines of this strange reality, Anna endlessly wandered in search of herself.

The young woman was dressed in rags that barely covered her body. Her shoulder-length hair gently swayed from side to side in tandem with her movement. The unfamiliar feeling of sand beneath her exposed feet fired off the synapses of consciousness within her mind. The tickly, grippy sand sensation comforted her sore and broken sole as she walked ever onward.

"Anna... you see what you've become? Please, fight for the good of the people, not for yourself or anyone; just for the people."

The dying words of Selan echoed in Anna's head accompanied by a sharp, pulsating headache that caused the girl to double over and fall onto her knees as she shrieked in pain. At the same time, the endless desert beneath her unexpectedly morphed into an ocean that infinitely expanded from horizon to horizon.

As if that change in scenery wasn't bizarre enough—Anna found herself able to stand atop the waters of that oceanic dreamscape. Confused, the girl hung her head down and gazed upon her reflection.

What she witnessed in the waters was a recreation of her thirteen-year-old self. That younger Anna's brilliant green eyes stared back at the ruby gaze of her older counterpart. Thereafter, a poisonous and gaseous green aura enveloped the girl in the reflection whilst various disembodied voices both male and female began howling in pain. Blood splatters then started to paint the reflection in red as a twisted smile formed on the younger Anna's lips.

"You remember, don't you? The rewarding feeling of ecstasy you got after slaughtering all of those people in that village up in the north. Just embrace it... embrace the fact you enjoyed killing the Forsaken over and over before shredding all those men, women, and children into mincemeat.

You lost the right to play the victim card when you became a genocidal maniac," the words of the thirteen-year-old Anna were sweet like an infectious melody repeating over and over again.

The visage in the reflection then shifted into a recreation of Anna after her merger with the Great Dragon Kohryu. The girl in the reflection had one crimson eye and a black eye which matched the aesthetic of her black hair with red highlights. Despite being no more than a visage of the past, she was nonetheless an intricately detailed replica of the real deal.

"If you won't fight, then you've no role to fill. Remember when you said that to Ren? You murdered the members of Shade and even your brother just because they wouldn't go along with your objectives. You went from a venomous Wyvern being led along by her brothers and being used by everyone else to a Vengeful Dragon deadset on eradicating her opponents at whatever cost necessary. Yet you still couldn't move on in the end—

Before continuing to speak, the reflection shifted yet again. This time into the version of Anna that became the powerful Guardian of the Mountain.

"In the end... you feared facing the responsibility of ruling the Empire. Once the bloodshed was over—you deemed yourself too weak to deal with the memories of your past... you were unable to move forward alongside everyone else and instead exiled yourself away from civilization. Was it a self-righteous final act in hope of reaching atonement? It doesn't matter now. Your cowardice, your fear of responsibility, and your unwillingness to be a part of the world you fought to create... it all led to its downfall at the hands of Araya and his master Abbadon."

The reflection spoke with a stern tone and a serious gaze before slowly fading away leaving the real Anna lost amidst the endless ocean.

Gradually the landscape around the girl morphed one final time. Its form now reassembled a picture-perfect recreation of the Imperial Capital. However, the once magnificent city was now in a state of pure havoc. Its streets were bathed in flames that reduced screaming citizens to ashes. Much like her home and the village in the north—everything around Anna was being wholly engulfed in nothing but pure devastation.

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