Spirited: Anna

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I would never have thought that I'd ever return to this home. We were told to never return here unless one of us dies and here we are. Selan was the one who kept us together. He was the one who looked out for all of us. He may have been the only sane one out of the three of us. Now, we're a broken family. Selan didn't die without meaning. He only died to save us. He sacrificed himself to so that we could be united once more. Even in his death, he will always walk beside us, guiding us through the ordeals that lie in the future.

I take a deep breath and walk through the towering gates into the tiny village. The mountainous walls protect the entire village. Above, is an outcrop that covers the sky. Even if the Empire knows about this village, they wouldn't dare attack it. Home to some of the most skilled fighters, IronHaven wouldn't fall easily. However, the fighters here, won't fight in any war. Their all aged and wise. They pass down their teachings in hopes that the old ways won't die. 

The doors close with a soft thud that echoes throughout IronHaven. It's the first time those doors have been opened in a while. I can feel everyone's gaze fall upon us as we step out into the torch light. 

"I was hoping to never see you again." The familiar voice of Master Ino speaks behind us. For an old man, he can still move as fast as ever. Sometimes I wonder if the old man can even die, "I was hoping that Selan would never die. After this dastardly war ended, he was going to be the one to lead the new Empire into peace and prosperity. He was the rightful heir, but in the end, he died to the war. Anna, I see that you've finally used the gift that your family has gifted you. I'm more concerned about your spirit though. After we let Selan's spirit loose from these bindings, I'll need to have a word with you."

"Yes Master." I bow respectfully towards him, "What will happen to Selan's equipment?"

"They will go back to the fire that forged them." Master Ino says, his eyes gazing at the center of the village, "Then, you two can go get something to eat and drink. Anna once your done, meet me in my home and we'll talk."

I nod and we start heading for the center of the village. The forge bubbles and pops from the molten fire in it. I take off the swords and set them carefully beside the forge. Ren sets the armor next to the swords and we back up. Around us, the villagers are gathering.

"We settle the long battle between life and death today by laying to rest a part of our family." Master Ino begins, "We all remember Selan when he first arrived with his siblings. We took them in and passed on our wisdom to them all. His body has fallen in battle, but his spirit hasn't found peace yet. We will let his spirit settle here in this village. This home will be his final resting place. The home that took him in, the home that made him into what he was and into what he is. No one is to blame for his death but us. We will take the burden of his vengeful spirit and help it into the afterlife."

I take his swords and set them into the forge. They sink into the depths of the fire until nothing is left. Ren steps beside me and lays the armor into the forge. Our brother will not be forgotten. Our brother will be avenged.

"May his spirit continue to walk the path with us." Master Ino finishes, "Anna, Ren, go get something to eat and Anna, remember once your finished, come straight to home."

"Yes Master Ino." I nod to him and look back at Ren, "Let's go get something to eat shall we."


I find myself facing my old master. The tension in the air is so thick, I can barely breathe.

"We weren't expecting anyone to walk through those doors for a very long time." Master Ino finishes lighting his candles. The sweet scent of lilac drifts into my nose, "It's disheartening to know that it was Selan who died. Did you forget your mission?"

"It wasn't me." I tell him, "The Empire had taken control of me and I couldn't control myself. Selan wasn't killed either. He sacrificed himself to save both me and Ren from killing each other."

"The foolish boy didn't know the future that he held in his hands." Master Ino sighs heavily, "I'm getting to old for this petty shit. You do realize what this means right?"

"That I have to assume the throne once the war is over." I tell him, "I'm not an idiot."

"All you young people say that and what happens? You get killed." Master Ino looks out his window, "What we've built here is a sanctuary for those who no longer wish to fight. You are not here to fight, but you no longer need refuge."

"You're going to kick us out so soon fa-" I quickly stop.

"I told you never to call me that my daughter." Master Ino's glare pierces through me, "You know the reason why I left you and your mother behind. Why I fabricated the story of how I died. I wanted to give you the best life and yet, here you are fighting in a war you don't need to fight in. Let it go through its vicious cycle and take the throne. As of now, you're the last heir the Empire has and they don't know that. They mustn't find out about you. On to the reason why I wanted to talk to you: Your Spirit."

"What about it?" I ask.

"Your spirit and the Wyvern's is battling for dominance. The wyvern will eventually win if you keep using your trump card. Five uses is all you got left. I highly advise that you do not use it any more."

"Then I won't be able to save the friends and family that I made." I object, "I don't care what happens to me, I only care about keeping the people of the Empire safe."

"Train and get stronger so that you won't lose your soul." He says, "End of discussion. I forbid you to use your trump card. You leave tomorrow."

I nod and start for the door and stop, "If I never return, just know that I'll always love you father."

I leave his home and head back to the tavern. Their will be a lot of weight on my shoulders to come in time. I lay in bed and look over at Ren before falling asleep. I vow to protect my family no matter what!

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