episode 4: foggy rain

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- '...' [thoughts]
- "..." [talking]
- *...* [whisper]

'what is this man doing to me oh my god.'
you splash water on your face and exit the bathroom, as you were moving your hair out of your face you saw bakugou walking down the hallway.
"good morning!" you said with a bright smile.
he ignores you and continues to walk down the stairs.
'one day you like me the next i don't exist..' you roll your eyes and follow him down the stairs and go into the kitchen. you see mitsuki cooking some breakfast.

"go ahead and sit down sweetie!"

"okay!" you walk over to the table and sit down and start to drink some juice.

"KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" mitsuki suddenly yelled.
she startled you and you almost choked on your drink again.

"IM COMING BITCH!" bakugou yells as he barged into the kitchen.

"DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOUNG MAN!" she said waving her spatula at him.


they kept of going on and on, your stomach growled as you grew hungrier.

"oh i'm sorry honey! here let me get you some food you must be hungry!" she walked back over to the stove and put the bacon on a plate.
bakugou sighed and sat down next to you.

"you guys fight a lot dont you?"

"anytime we talk to each other we usually are yelling."

Mitsuki walked by and set down two plates in front of you guys. "here you are! enjoy you two."

"thank you so much!" you instantly started eating and it tasted delicious.
"does you mom always cook meals for you?" you ask bakugou with you mouth full.

"yeah, does your mom not?"

you slowed your chewing and stared blankly at him. "is it.. normal for her to cook all your meals?"

"yeah." he takes a sip of his juice.

"oh! well, my mom never cooked for me. she usually just cooked for my siblings while i got the scraps!" you say as you continue eating your breakfast. after 30 seconds of silence you realized what you've just said in front of bakugou and his mother. you look up from your plate and see them both looking at you.
"oh.. i'm sorry."
'i totally just dumped that on them, oh my shit.'

"oh sweetie.." mitsuki walked over to you and gave you a big hug. "i'm so sorry." she hugged you tighter but you pulled away.

"no really it's fine! thank you though, i really appreciate you guys taking care of me.. but i should really be going. i've stayed for long enough" you take one more quick bite of your pancake and get up from the table.

"where are you even going to go?" bakugou says.

you turn around and look back at bakugou.
"i'm gonna go home obviously.."
bakugou turns his chair and he looks at your angrily. 'please don't rat me out..' you tried to give him a look but you couldn't get through his thick skull.

"oh that piece of cardboard in the alleyway down the street?" he snarled.

you froze. you look over at mitsuki who has her hands on her mouth.
"you're not serious are you katsuki?" Mitsuki sounded choked up.

"i'm dead serious." he stood up from his chair. "i can show you the very alleyway i found them in."

your heart raced and you started to shake. you couldn't breath. you started to fight for air but you couldn't find any. 'why..? stopstoppleaseno.' you gathered enough strength to run. you ran out of the kitchen and through the front doors.
it was pouring outside. but all you wanted was to get anyway from everyone. you wanted to curl up in a small ball and hide.

"Y/N WAIT!" Mitsuki was yelling from the doorway. "COME BACK!"

you don't look behind you, you just keep running and running until you can't anymore. you look around you and realize you're lost. you sit down and hold your knees. you begin to cry, silently. choking on your tears, struggling to breathe.

*DAMMIT.* i saw them running off in the rain and chased after them. it was raining so hard it was difficult to see where we were going. i only had one thought, 'i have to get to them'.
eventually, i lost them in the fog. i wasnt going to give up though. i started yelling their name hoping for a response. but i got none.
i continued to walk straight thinking i would run into them eventually. and that's when i saw them.
sitting against a light post, y/n was there hugging their knees. i hated seeing them like this.
i slowly walk towards them, "y/n..?" no response. i sit down next to them and i ask again "y/n?" still no answer. 'god is this bitch ignoring me?!' i put my hands on their arm and tried to pull it away from them. they were freezing.
"hey, you're going to catch a cold." they still wont answer.
"ugh. fine. stay there then and whine! i don't care!"
i got up to walk away but something was pulling me back. i had to go back to them. i wanted to help them. i want to protect them.
i go back to them and squat. "get on my back loser." i look behind me and see them look up finally.
"i won't say it again."
they slowly got up and climbed onto me. i stood up and started walking home.
after 5 minutes i heard them whisper *im sorry.*
"if you get a cold, you can be sorry then. but for now, just try to calm down." i don't know what else to say to them. i wanted to be there for them, but i didn't know how.
i could hear y/n still crying silently in my ear, sometimes they would tighten their grip, but eventually relax.
once we got home i set them down and my mom tried to run over to them. i stopped her. "they still need to calm down, i think it would be best if you talked to them tomorrow."
This was the first time she quietly agreed with me. she looked at my father and they went up the stairs, he consoled her along the way.

i walk back to y/n. "you need to change, you're soaking wet."

"you should go change i'll be fine." i saw them still shaking.

"no excuses. come on." i walked over to them and help them up, we go up the stairs and i handed them a fresh pair of clothes.
"go shower and change."

"what about you?" they asked

"don't worry about me, i can take care of myself. now go on"
they turned to the door and went to the bathroom. i sigh and start to take off my soaking wet clothes.

after you took a quick hot shower and changed into clean clothes, you thought about what just happened.
'i don't know if i can even face him..'
you put you hands on your face and take a deep breath.
'no! ill be fine! let's go!'
you exit the bathroom and knock on bakugous door (lesson learned).

"Y/N?" he said through the door. he opened it and saw you, your hair was still sopping wet.
"oh Y/N.. come here."

"hm? what?" you say confused.
he pulls you into his room and he sits on his bed, he pats the empty spot next to him.
you walk over and sit down.
"what's up?"

"turn around" he grabbed the towel off of your shoulders, and he began to dry your hair.

"bakugou you could have just told me you didn't need to dry my hair for me."

"i wanted to."

oh what a gentleman 😻

1304 words

why did it have to be you? [bakugou x y/n] [enemies to lovers] Where stories live. Discover now