episode 9: handcuffs

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*self harm in this chapter*

- '...' [thoughts]
- "..." [talking]
- *...* [whisper]

you sat there in the dark. cold, afraid, and helpless. you could barley make out shapes in the room.
there was a water leak dripping in the right corner of the room, and you heard rats scattering around not too long ago.
you started to try to pull your hands out of the handcuffs, but each time you pulled you cut deeper into your skin. you winced at the pain and started to cry in frustration.
the whole situation was making you more and more upset by the second.
"ow!" you yelped. one of the rats just bit your ankle. you tried brushing it off but it bit you again. this time you kicked, you didn't hit anything but you think it ran away.
you place your head on the wall and look at the ceiling. it's pitch black, you get lost in your thoughts. 'i don't know what to do..'
you start to cry harder. you try your best to hold on your wails, you bite your lip to contain them. 'everything hurts...'

~you deserve it.~

'what? what was that?' you thought to yourself. you were confused. who was that?

~you deserve the pain.~

'who's saying that?!' you frantically look around the room, you still couldn't see a thing, you started to get anxious.

~keep going.~

'keep going?' you look down at your wrists. you grab the handcuff.

~pull. cut.~

you begin to pull the handcuff again, it burns, you can feel it pulling on your skin. you try to let go but you're stopped by the voice again.


with those words you unconsciously yanked and pulled the handcuff off.
'i finally got it!'
suddenly, you didn't feel any pain. you felt happy. but why were you still crying..? they werent happy tears, still sad tears. why?

suddenly, you hear a click. then, a slow creak. light enters the room and you see blonde spikey hair peer in.
he enters the room all the way and you start to slowly stand up.
you walked over to him and wrap your arms around him. he hugged you back tightly.

*we need to get out of here now.* he whispered into your ear.
*get on my back* he turns around.
you pull yourself up and get onto his back, you saw aizawa sensei, midnight, and mic. they were all on high alert.
aizawa saw you and his seriousness faded. his face was flooded with sadness and guilt.
bakugou began to walk down the hallway quietly while the heros followed. when you guys made it outside safely he handed you to paramedics, when they inspected you they found bruises on your neck and wrists, plus open wounds on your head, shoulder, and right thumb. when you tore the handcuff off of your wrist, you skinned your hand.
once the paramedics treated you the police came over to ask you questions. you couldn't pay attention to what they were saying to you. occasionally you would look over their shoulders and see bakugou standing there tapping his foot.
once they released you, you ran over to bakugou and jumped onto him. he spun you around and held you gently. he nuzzled into your shoulder.
you guys held each other for a while before anything was said.

*thank you.* you smiled and ran your hands across his back.

he held your head as he hugged you deeply. *I'm glad you're okay.*
you stayed in his embrace for as long as you could. you never wanted to leave his arms again. he holds you in all the right ways, you loved how he protected you. after a few more minutes, he pulled away and held your cheek lightly.
"let's go home."

why did it have to be you? [bakugou x y/n] [enemies to lovers] Where stories live. Discover now