My Philosophy

522 86 7

As I mentioned before, I'm coming back to Wattpad with credentials and experience many other people giving reviews lack.

I'm not going to bind myself to a rubric when evaluating work, but I'll give everyone a score out of 100. A 90 or above will get you on the hall-of-fame list, which you'll see will have some extra rewards associated with it. One thing I won't comment on is aesthetics: this includes not just the cover, but any other art you may have inside your book. Not everyone is a capable artist (I clearly am not), and if you've put in an effort, as long as it doesn't look awful I'm not going to penalize you for it. I'm nice.

I will assume that if you want a book review, you want me to read your entire book, which I will try to do unless you tell me otherwise or it's so bad that I have to stop early. This means if the flaws are so systemic that there's no reason for me to read more than a few chapters, I'll do exactly that. I'm a fast reader, but this will naturally take more time for some work. I don't leave in-line comments when I review, but I will vote on everything in a batch before I begin reading.

Things I look for in a book include but are not limited to:

-First impressions (How does the blurb look? How does the first chapter look? Does this momentum carry into the next few?)

-Plot development (Too fast or too slow? Is it clear that the author gave up on writing a compelling story after the first few chapters? Is there even a plot to begin with?)

-Characters (Are they realistic? Are they Mary Sues/Gary Stus? Are they walking stereotypes? Do I want to root for them? Are they relatable?)

-Creativity (Is your story copying elements from other work? Is it fitting genre trends? Does it feel original?

-Mechanics/style (Is your prose fun to read? Is everything correct? Is something about it distracting me from the content of your story?)

-Theme (Is there something going on underneath the surface? Are we learning something through your characters?)

I reserve the right to comment on other things as well, but expect me to mention these in your review.

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