The rush

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My alarm clock went off at exactly 7:20AM, the only reason i shot out of bed was to have a head start at making myself look perfect to impress George, hopefully. I applied my foundation, mascara, a tad touch of eyeliner and some lipgloss until i was fully satisfied with the way i looked. My hair was brown and wavy, i tied it back and clipped my fringe to the side of my hair. It made my large green eyes stand out more when my hair was out of the way. Putting my uniform on I began to worry, "what if he doesn't think i'm pretty?", i whispered to myself. "Ugh, i need to stop caring so much, i dont even know the boy...". I put my jumper on and glanced in the mirror one last time. Running out of my bedroom i grabbed my bag from near the door and it slammed behind me.

"Katey, your waffles are getting cold" my mom called from the kitchen.

I rushed in and grabbed the waffle off the plate and took a masive bite out of it.

"thanks mum, but i've gotta go now, bye!".  

"Okay sweetie, have a nice day". She said in a curious voice.

Obviously she knew something was up as i was 10 minutes early waiting for the bus, I just wanted to see if george was waiting around by any chance...

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