London calling

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After cheerleading, Josh came running out of the doors to catch up to me.

I giggled and began running faster than ever before, he chased me all the way down the corridoor.

"OW!!!" I shouted.

I fell onto one of the pupilsin the corridoor  causing our heads smack together, it hurt like hell.

To my surprise, when i looked down at who i was laying on top of... It was George, again.

"oh my god!! I'm so sorry, let me help you up!" I gasped.

"its okay" he smile to reassure me.

"hey, you have beautiful  green eyes..." george said winking at me.

I couldnt take his perfectness any longer, no matter how much my head hurt, it didnt stop me from imagining him naked right there and then.

"Hello?... any one there?" Josh said tugging at the bottom of my t shirt.

"Oh yeah sorry I was just in a bit of an, uhm, daydream aha" I said trying to cover up  my very innapropriate thoughts. Josh knew me more than anyone, even when im pulling the strangest of faces, he gets me. 

"So Katey, i was wondering whether you were going on the london trip? y'know, with the school and all? it would be great if you were going there too!"  george exclaimed 

"Yeah, me and josh were actually about to go and pay the trip money right now before next lesson, i cant believe the london trip has came so fast! tomorrow we're all going to be in the CAPITAL CITY!! AHHH !! " I began screaming getting over excited.

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