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I didn't see George on the bus, I better not have spent over an hour dolling myself up for him not to be there -.-

My best friend josh was waiting at the gate, we'd known eachother since we were only 5 in primary school and we literally did everything together. From shopping to football, we were eachothers everything.

We walked into tutor together and sat down in our seats right at the back.

"i could go to sleep right on this table" Josh giggled as he laid his head on the desk.

"Yeah, you do that" I said not really paying attention as i saw george walk through the classroom door, alone.

He looked so perfect with his brown hair pushed back, his smile was the sexiest thing i had ever seen... even the way he held his books made me want to drool on josh's face.

"so... cute..." i mumbled.

George looked over at the back of the class and saw me and josh being weird, flicking eachother and kicking eachother under the table.  As soon as i saw  him looking at us, my eyes widened and my intant reaction was to duck under the table. Not only did i embaress myself but i ended up hitting my head  on the metal part of the table. 

"Katey, what the hell are you doing?" Josh laughed.

"I'm... I'm pretending to be nemo!" As if that was the best answer i could come up with.

"Okay... thats nice, you can stop now" Josh said raising his eyebrow in confusement .

I peeked over the table to check if he was still looking, he wasn't looking, but praise the lord he was sat on the row infront of us. The back of him was just as perfect as the front.

The teacher came in and took the register... George, George paul shelley was his full name, I hope he knows he is having my future children, i thought to myself.

The bell went and I escorted josh to his first lesson, I ran up to science just on time. Everybody was staring at me as they were already prepared to begin the lesson. 

"Sorry I'm late, Mr cook" I mumbled as i walked over to my seat next to George.

I took my seat and looked around at everyone.

"Everyone is looking at you like you killed someone" George giggled.

I didn't even reply, i just sat there smiling like a goof. The hottest boy in the school had just spoken to me and I had no way of reacting except from like an idiot.

"So, everyone. I hope you had a nice weekend, now its time to get your head back in the game! " Mr cook explained.

Instantly I thought of high school musical.

"Gotta, getcha, getcha head in the game!" I giggled to myself. 

"Gotta getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha head in the game, c'mon!" George looked  at me singing along.

Suddenly it broke into some kind of musical where we couldnt stop

"Why am i feeling so wronggggg?! my heads in the game but my hearts in the songgg" I sang at the same time as george.

He laughed at me and i smiled at him, he was so beyond perfect. Even better, he's seen high school musical! 

"I'm George" He said as he turned his chair towards me.

"And, I'm guessing you're katey? the girl who hid under the table when i looked at you" He said looking me in the eyes. His eyes were deep brown, i could see my reflection in them and went into kind of a gaze for a moment.

"Hello? anyone there?" He shouted waving his hand everywhere like a maniac.

"Oh, sorry, yeah haha, I'm katey. sorry about that btw i saw the uhm... the teacher come in and i... i uhm didnt hand in my homework on time" I laughed awkwardly.

"Ah, i see" george giggled.

We spent the rest of science mocking people in the class. We made our paper volcano and laughed contantly. He was definitely perfect, and to my surprise I wasn't being awkward like i usuallly am.

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