How i really feel

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"Shotgun" I called proudly diving onto the larger double bed in the room

"Yeah you have that one... and i'll have this one" Josh said awkwardly walking over to a smaller sized double bed.

"So, what, am i sleeping on the floor?" George said sarcastically putting his bags on the double bed i was sat on

"Guess we're sharing" he said smiling at me.

"Yeah... sharing" i was too busy staring into his gorgeous eyes to pay attention to what he said but whatever he said would have been cute anyway so i just played along

"And, you're okay with this?"

"Yeah sure, george. Why not?" I said proudly unpacking my clothes into the wardrobe 

"It should be great fun!"

"yeah... sharing beds sounds fantastic" he laughed.

"We have to go to the theater in 10 minutes guys so i sugget you get ready" a teacher shouted through the door.

"Shit! im not gonna have enough time"

I got my black tight dress and leather jacket out of my suite case and ran into the bathroom. The door was slightly open but i had no time, i still needed to apply eye liner, mascare, lip gloss etc!


Why did she even need to change? she looked perfect the way she was.

Amber was mouth wide open whilst i changed my shirt, it was rather creepy but i was glad to get it soon over with,

I made way over to the hotel door and saw katey slipping into her dress.

Her back looked so smooth, the way her silky hair moved around was perfect.

"Uhm mate?" Josh walked over to the bathroom door and shut it 


*SLAM* the door closed behind me, i quickly shot around in shock

I zipped my dress up and opened the door.

"what was that?" I asked curiously


George ran out of the hotel room

"Okay... what was that?"

"George there was watching you get dressed"

"Hehe, really?" i said smiling to myself

"thats a bad thing, Katey"

"Uhm, yeah well about that-" I put my jacket on and slipped my converse on, i wasnt the outfit matching kind of girl

"I kind of like him so how is that a problem joshy?"

"Well if it doesnt bother you i guess its not but i still think its creepy..."  josh said squinting his eyes

"I'm going to catch up with him, i'll catch up with you and amber later" 

I ran down the stairs and pushed the front door open.

The school bus was waiting to take us to the show we'd all been waiting to see, 'wicked.'

I saw georges head peering out the back of the bus window.

I went to sit with him and he looked really shocked 

"hey" i smiled at him

"you're not angry at m-" 

I put my arm around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips. He placed his hands around my back and we locked the same position for a couple of minutes. we were looking right into eachothers eyes. what the fuck did i just do.

I pulled away and looked straight forward to the front of the bus

"uhm" george sighed. I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye


"You dont need to apologise... that was great" 


"Yes, i wouldnt mind doing it again actually" 

I began to blush and moved closer to him

He leaned forward and placed his soft lips onto mine. He picked up the pace and i began to enter my tongue into his mouth, we circled round and round gasping for air. He was an amazing kisser i must say

"I like you, katey. And i wanna be straight with you. I've liked you since the minute i saw you. I could tell you were different and just what i wanted. Im not sure what that kiss means... well what those kisses mean, but i guess now is the only chance i get to tell you how i feel." 

I blushed and looked at my feet smiling like an idiot

"Hey, you're perfect" George lifted my chin up slowly with his hand and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I like you too, george. When we first met and i hid under that table, thats when i realised. I didnt even think about what i was doing. you didnt say a word to me and i was already crazy about you to hide away. You're literally the cutest guy ever and you're perfect for me... uhm, i know its usually the other way around and all, but im just trying to find the little bit of confidence in me to ask you something... something i should have done a long time ago but-"

"What is it, Katey?" he said taking my  hand in his

I felt my heart pounding so fast it hurt.

"just get it over with" i whispered to myself.

But i just couldnt find the words to do it.

"Nothing" i said forcing a smile on my face

"But-" I cut george off.

"No really it doesnt matter"

The rest of the night it was quiet, we got back from the theater and put our pajamas on.

"Who wants to watch a movie?!" Amber squeeled.

"Uhm, what movie?" Josh said un interested.

"SAW!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed 

"Nu-uh, i hate scary movies!" I cried

"I'll protect you" george winked at me 

"I'm sure you will" I hissed 

"Its freezing! im puting my monkey onesie on." 

"Same" george said

why was he being so flirty and copying everything i was doing now? I know we admitted we liked eachother but that doesnt mean he had to follow after me and stuff.

"Everyone on the bigger bed!" Josh jumped on my legs and sat there for a few seconds before i punched him in the back.

"josh, get off my motherfucking leg you little shit" 

"someone's on their period" He joked on

"Oh my god " I playfully punched him in the arm and he grabbed onto my back pulling me down onto the bed.

George and amber were sat opposite eachother watching us going on like little kids 

"JOSH YOU'RE HURTING MY HAND" we began laughing at eachother and lost breath after a few minutes. I was lying on top of joshy and josh was staring at me giggling too much

I stopped laughing and placed my head on his chest. We had calmed  down a bit.

"You guys are... crazy" Amber said looking rather scared

"Put the movie on then" Josh said moving me over to sit himself up.

"Yeah i cant wait" I dived into joshys chest and he pulled the covers over us.

"And when you fall asleep, dont suck your thumb this time, aye?" 

"Shut up, or you're not using me as your pillow!" He said

"...Thumb sucker" I whispered.

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