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"Hell, here I come!!"

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"Hell, here I come!!"


Yulia cursed under her breath. She made sure there was no other person on the rooftop before she sat down and reviewed her music score, but the sudden howling shattered her concentration.

"No one can stop me now!! I will kill myself, motherfucking people of the earth."

Is that person serious?

She peered at the direction of the voice, catching sight of a certain melon-head. The male student who looked just about her age stood by the edge of the rooftop. His hands were grasping the top of the railing while his feet thrusted on a lumbering climb.

Yulia's first impression was a crab trying to escape metal bars. Sighing, she called out to him. "Hey!"

The unexpected interruption caused Luciel to loosen his grip from the cold metal, slipping uncontrollably during the process. He propelled backwards and landed on the hard cement with a thud.

"Shit! I almost died! Why would you surprise me like that?!"

Yulia finally had a clear look of his face. He was certainly familiar, but she couldn't tell where she'd seen him before. In spite of his unwelcoming remarks, she held out her hand to assist him. "What are you doing up there? It's dangerous."

"I wanna jump, isn't that obvious?," Luciel cheekily replied, still taking her hand and pulling himself up.

Yulia observed the guy with disbelief in her features. She surely knew he was joking, judging by his reaction after the drop. "Stop acting dumb."

"Oh, I'm not acting, thank you very much."

Just how sassy is this person, eh?

She was intending to tell him off for disrupting her peace when the rooftop door slammed open, spitting two more male students. They both rushed to the melon-head. "Ciel!!"

"What the hell were you thinking?! I told you to go find me!" The one with dark green hair held his shoulders quite tightly. That did not escape Yulia's notice. The whole setup looked silly, but this guy's reaction was definitely real... or maybe, he was just good at overreacting.

"Chill pill, honey. I'm not gonna jump. It'll hurt, why would I?"

Okay. Too much info.

First, this guy said he wants to die, got mad when he almost died, said he wants to die again then now, he won't do it cause it'll hurt?

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