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Genesis stared at the sleeping figure before him

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Genesis stared at the sleeping figure before him. He stood up and made his way to Luciel, squatted beside him, and planted a kiss on his head. "Ciel?"

Luciel whimpered in response, pulling the blanket higher and snuggling. He mumbled a few incomprehensible words that prompted Genesis to put a hand over his forehead. It seemed Luciel had caught Elijah's cold from their last visit.

"Gen," Luciel called unconsciously, his voice scratching against his throat.

Genesis attentively reached for Luciel's hand. "I'm here, you okay?"

He could feel Luciel inching towards his touch, eliciting a warm feeling on his chest. Strings of whimpers left Luciel's lips as he adjusted to a more comfortable position. He looked terribly exhausted, eyes red and swollen. "Genesis."

"I'm here," Genesis softly assured.

It had been two weeks since their talk, yet Luciel made no move to reconcile. However, if there was something Genesis could never imagine living without, it would be him. Just Luciel.

"Come home?"


Genesis cleared his throat, a heavy sting in his chest making its presence known. He wished Luciel would be that honest when awake. "I'm home now, I'm with you."

"I don't like...," Luciel heaved a deep breath, half of his consciousness talking. It seemed the medicine had gotten him drowsy again. "Fighting with you."

"I know." Genesis continued, a myriad of emotions crossing through his eyes.

He wanted him- more than anything - and that didn't take him too long to realize.

"I won't ever hurt you," he whispered as his hand traveled to Luciel's cheek, caressing his pale feverish skin, then down to his arm. "So let me in?"

His breath hitched when he felt the scars protruding on Luciel's wrist. The fifth attempt.

Genesis knew he could only hold him for so long. Luciel was slipping off his fingers, no matter how hard he tried to hold on to him. But now that Yulia's here, things started changing. Luciel had been clean of cuts since she came.

Maybe it was a good thing, maybe it wasn't. But one thing's for sure, Genesis would do everything to protect Luciel and keep him safe, everything to make him feel needed and secure. Anything.

Luciel's eyes fluttered open when he felt warm fingertips tracing his scars, his breath halting when Genesis slowly lowered himself and kissed those scars one by one.

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