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"I never knew Genesis paints!," Yulia exclaimed

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"I never knew Genesis paints!," Yulia exclaimed. She could swear her jaw would've dropped to the floor had it been humanly possible.

These guys never really fail to surprise her!

She and Daniel were currently chosen to represent their school in a divisional quiz competition. With it commenced also an art exhibit. Talented artists were invited to showcase their works. However, seeing Genesis as one of the representatives wasn't something Yulia expected.

"His talents make up for his lack of brain," Luciel commented with a lazy grin. Genesis didn't argue and just pouted.

"It seems we'll be sharing a room, Yulia," Daniel excitedly sang.

"You wish, little shit," Luciel cut off Daniel's delusions. "You stay in the room assigned for Gen. We'll rent ours."

"The school provides enough for lounging and accommodation," Elijah joined in, unimpressed as ever. "Everyone who signed up for the competitions has their respective rooms."

"You're here, too," Yulia gasped.

"Are you guys skipping school?," Daniel asked. "Because it's supposedly Biochemistry class right now."

Luciel grinned darkly. "One more reason to not attend."

Their eyes shifted to Elijah, but he just sinply replied, "I don't really care."

"You won't fail anyway!," Daniel teased. "You don't even have to study at all. How nice must it be to be a genius."

Their youngest just heaved a deep sigh, closing his eyes for a second. "It's not."

"So humble, man," Daniel continued. He had never chatted with Elijah before so this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. "You won't have to worry about being compared to your siblings. Imagine, always being the best and smartest one in the room!"

As if a chilling gush of air passed through, everyone suddenly fell silent. Elijah didn't seem to appreciate Daniel's compliments, not at all.

"What's so good about that?" he muttered in a low, unamused tone.

"Eli," Luciel stopped, knowing well enough what could happen if the subject was pushed further.

But Daniel being Daniel, his weakest trait would always be his inability to read the room. "What's so good? A lot will envy you, of course!"

Elijah looked him straight in the eye, the obvious shift in his mood clouding the atmosphere. This prompted Genesis to inwardly feel sorry for Daniel's lack of tact. The clueless guy had just gotten to Elijah's bad side.

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