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"Leave me alone, Genesis

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"Leave me alone, Genesis."

He didn't budge and instead encircled his arms around Luciel from behind, pulling him against his chest and planting a kiss on his nape. "No. Tell me what you want to do about it and I'll do it for you."

"Those fuckers really thought they can just pick on Yulia...," Luciel halted, his eyelids shutting heavily as his hands balled into fists. He was being emotional over Yulia– a newcomer and someone who he didn't even know that well yet.

But to Luciel, she was Yulia, a friend.

Genesis propped his chin on Luciel's shoulder, glancing up to him. "Hm? Want me to deal with them?"

Luciel, being the Zhang's adoptive son, had only very limited access to the use of the family's influence– a difference between him and Genesis that the latter would always take advantage of.

"I can do it myself," Luciel sighed. "Go back to them for now. Eli could be making the situation worse for all we know."

"I'm not leaving."

"Just go," Luciel repeated in a warning tone.

Genesis held on to him tighter to dispell the chills of the balcony air. "I don't want to."

Luciel forcibly unclasped the younger's grip from his waist and turned to face him. Shivers ran down his spine as Genesis's russet eyes dilated almost immediately when their gazes met. He hated how Genesis would always stare at him as if he were everything those eyes could behold.

Luciel heaved a wistful sigh as he lowered his head. He shouldn't be doing this. He knew far too well that allowing Genesis to do as he pleased would only make things harder in the future.

The younger guy looked nothing like how Luciel remembered him back in childhood. Genesis had even surpased his height and developed a rather  well-built physique. Everything about him seemed different except for those eyes that would always hold him back and plead him to stay.

"Go back, Gen," he softly whispered.

"Luciel," Genesis called out with the same amount of gentleness that it scared the latter.

Luciel was no fool. He knew how Genesis felt, but had always wished he'd never voice it out. He didn't want to face the changes it would bring to their setup. He didn't want to destroy what they had tried to hard to build– that friendship.

"Let's go back." Luciel took it upon himself to end the conversation by retreating to the door of Elijah's room.

"You're running away, aren't you?," Genesis scoffed, his tone dangerously calm.

Luciel remained silent. He wanted so badly to escape from the situation, but he knew he could only do it for so long. Genesis would bring it up, whether he wanted it or not.

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