chapter 4

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word count: 1428

"hey y/n, the second years are going out to a restaurant tonight, wanna come? i mean you are a second year after all," panda says as i'm on my way to my dorm room after training. it was still only 6:00 in the morning, so i was exhausted and needed to get more rest.

"hmm," i remember how much maki doesn't like me, "i think i'll pass for tonight... thanks though!" i say, running off to my dorm room.

when i walk into my room, i instantly fall into my bed, closing my eyes and falling asleep quickly.


~ 5 hours later ~

i wake up and look at the time on my alarm clock. 11:00am... okay.

so what else is there to do here? i guess i can walk around town for a bit, get to know the place a bit better.

agh, but i hate going places alone.

i think about it for a minute. rubbing my eyes as i force the tiredness away from me.

i decide that since there is absolutely nothing else to do, i'll go out to town.

i get ready, throwing on a hoodie and black cargo pants.

i open my door, only to see a familiar face with their hand in a fist position, ready to knock.

"oh, hi panda... again?" i say.

"hey y/n! we actually switched our dinner plans to lunch plans... got super bored. just wanted to see if you wanted to join us," i see his shoulder nudge a bit, peaking my head out more of my door to see toge.

i giggle but quickly remember why i didn't want to go in the first place... maki really hates me, and i wouldn't want her to hate me even more for ruining their lunch plans.

i look down the other side of the hall, wondering where maki is.

"i knew it!" panda yells.

"huh? what?" i back up, looking up at him.

"you didn't want to come because of maki!" he says.

"oh- uh no! nono that's not it..." i say, panic filling my voice.

"mhm... well, she doesn't hate you. she's just hard to talk to at first, that's all. she doesn't have cursed energy like we all do, so she tends to feel left out," he says.

"oh... i feel like you shouldn't be telling me this," i  nervously laugh a little.

"well not only that, but she also doesn't like hanging out with us most of the time... sooo! how bout that lunch?" he asks excitedly.

"well i was actually planning on looking around town a bit today, you guys can go without me, seriously!" i say, unsure of the situation happening.

"nono! we'll show you around!" panda says.

"salmon," toge says from the side.

i finally agree to go with them and the three of us make it into town. i look around at the little shops filling the sides of the roads, seeing how happy everyone looked.

"ahh! you know! i actually just realized i have... stuff... to do back at the dorms!" panda quickly yells, stopping himself from walking. toge and i turn around to look at him.

"bonito flakes!" toge says as my eyes move from panda to him.

"i'm sorry toge!" panda tries to let out a subtle wink and i face palm as toge lets out another "bonito flakes" but much whinier.

and just like that, panda runs off.

i turn to look at toge, my smile thin and awkward.

"we can go back too if you want to," i say, not knowing if there is anything else i can say.

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