Chapter 7

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[(Y/N)'s POV]

"Thank you for coming here with me, Jay"

Though it would've been better if he hadn't. I couldn't sleep as much last night because I kept thinking about how there's people keeping an eye on me. Hush's goons or whatever.

"I'm not sure why you're saying 'thank you.' Of course, I'll come here with you. I'm your boyfriend. Besides...... I was supposed to take care of you and Lina. I promised your friend, and yet-....." he frowned in disappointment. "I told him I wasn't good at keeping promises, and look what ended up happening. I was right. I have to take responsibility for this. It's my fault things ended up like this" He clasped his hands together as we sat silently in the same room with Lina. Just like I thought, he's still blaming himself even after I told him that Bizarro said she'll be okay.

"Wanna know something?" He questioned, "Last night, I dreamt that Val was scolding me for failing him. He said we were the same because neither of us were capable of protecting you and Lina"

He kept his eyes locked on his hands. I wanted to place my hand on his, but my body didn't obey. He's my boyfriend, and yet my body is still shy to just touch his hand. "Did you respond back?" I asked.

He nodded, "I told him that we are not. I looked straight into his face as he looked back at me. His hands had puppet strings, every move he made was the Joker controlling him from above. Then suddenly, the strings broke and he grabbed my arms with his own will. He looked worried when he said, "If we aren't, then why are you falling into his hands? Why are you letting him take them from you?" Those words were his. Even the Joker seemed confused as to how Val was speaking on his own"

He turned around to meet my eyes, "It was a really weird dream but I feel like something's really wrong. I usually ignore any dreams that have to do with that unhinged clown, but.... It was like your friend was warning me or something"

I don't know if dreams can warn you about things, or if dead people can speak to you. But could it really be related to what's happening in the present? Was his dream about my encounter with Hush?

There must be some connection between Hush and the Joker, or can it be a coincidence?

"Perhaps you've been thinking too much about how you failed to keep your promise? I mean, you didn't fail in protecting Lina and I. Like Bizarro said she'll be fine. Are we not going to trust the guy who has the power to sense that? And well, I'm fine" I lied about the last part.

Crap. I forgot that I have to be careful with my words. Hush was listening, or at least could be. He could probably be out buying a donut, which I highly doubt.

I have to find a way to tell someone about this. Telling Jason or Bruce is out of the question. It won't be easy. I could speak to Bruce in sign language, but the sonar-like chip Hush implanted in my phone would rat me out. It had to be someone he doesn't know much about. A name he doesn't recognize. Maybe someone who isn't in Gotham? And someone who's close to Bruce.


I blinked out of my trance, "Huh?"

"I've been calling your name a few times. Is everything okay? I was asking if you wanted to go see a movie to distract yourself" His hand intertwined with mine.

I got it.

I think I know who. Sorry Jason..... but I figured out who I need to contact.

"Not today. I want to go home and rest"

"Then how about a movie at home?"

"Sorry" My heart hurt every time I rejected his offer. Perhaps if I distance myself from him, he could catch on to what's going on. He'd be able to tell there's something up with me.

(Sequel) Through Thick and Thin [Jason Todd x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now