Chapter 15

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"Kneel on the floor," he instructed with scorn.

I rolled my eyes and followed his commands. Their guns were still aimed at me as I moved. The sky started to darken. It was starting to drizzle.

"Take your mask off," he gave another demand.

"And if I don't?" I looked straight into his eyes, letting him know I wasn't planning to completely obey him.

He chuckled at my look, "Keep screwing around and I'll put a bullet to your head in addition to blowing your pretty friend up"

I clenched my jaw, forcibly pressing the button to take my mask off. This is for Lina. I have to save her. "So, you're partners with Hush?" I questioned. I'm finally going to uncover what's really going on here with the bastard.

Black Mask didn't give an answer. He began to walk closer with his gun facing me while his other hand moved towards my face. I stiffened. The closer his fingers were to my cheek, the more I leaned back. What was he planning to do?

Losing his patience, he roughly grabbed my head to stay still and removed the earpiece in my ear. He let it drop to the ground and crushed it with the heel of his shoe.

He scoffed and made sure the device was completely smashed into pieces. "Partners? That son of a bitch has all the villains of Gotham wrapped around his finger. He knows exactly how to make them listen so both parties can benefit "

Then, based on what he's saying....

"Let me guess, he said he'll help you locate me, trap me, and then hand me over to you, and in return you supply him with weapons?"

He clicked his tongue twice and waved his index finger, "Wrong. Batman and everyone else he cares about are on his radar. He killed that Ellie or Elliot man for that reason. That's also why he sought to control Superman and he now has you and Catwoman. Due to this, leaving you with me would be advantageous for both of us"

I lowered my glance as I pondered on his words. Hush does want me dead for the purpose of his plan, but instead he is letting Black Mask be the one to kill me..... Meanwhile he goes ahead and kills Selina in front of Bruce. This must be what he's after.

If he fails to kill Selina, then, he still succeeds if Black Mask kills me.

Black Mask continued, "Now, don't get me wrong. I could care less if you die or not. All I want is for you to pay the price for running away without my permission. It is The Joker and Hush who want you dead." 

He suddenly grinned, "What about this? It will depend on you if you can manage to survive my wrath. Imagine the faces they'll make when they find out you're still alive. Though it seems like, no matter the outcome, that jester will end up getting what he wants. Batman left to save Catwoman and well, you've been left alone here at the palm of my hand. This will enrage someone else. The Joker seeks that"

With that constant smirk, he leaned a bit closer to my face, "Do you understand? Perhaps the clown doesn't care whether you die or not. He just needs someone who will break Red Hood. He's only after him. He wants you and your friend killed so your partner can isolate himself off from everyone," Then he grumbled, ".... but that's really none of my damn business"

. . .

Now it makes sense. All of it. Although Joker wasn't entirely involved, it's just as he said. His objective is for Jason to become him. Maybe the deal was only between Hush and Black Mask, but it reached his ears and seized the chance. 

"ARGH!" I suddenly heard Damian shout as he seemed to finish off the last goon on the ship. We all turned our heads to him and he immediately dropped a smoke pellet in between Black Mask and I. Smoke started blocking our vision and I took the chance to put my mask back on and knock out the nearest thug to take his rifle.

(Sequel) Through Thick and Thin [Jason Todd x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now