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E P I S O D E  0 9 [√]p a g e  n i n e  :  S O L A C E

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E P I S O D E  0 9 [√]
p a g e  n i n e  :  S O L A C E

takemichi walked out the classroom, holding the permission slip for the training camp with one hand. he was nervous. he easily gets homesick when his grandmother's not with him. maybe he is dependent on chiyo. but his grandmother being anywhere near him brings a different type of comfort.

but he definitely felt his heart ram against his chest when he heard what chiyo told him yesterday.

"don't go home alone when you're back from training camp. go with matsuno."

he doubts chifuyu would want to go home with him. he's not even asking him if he wanna go home together. merely explains the fact that he's walking home alone. he's too shy to approach the boy and he doesn't want to humiliate himself.

he'd think that i'm being too comfortable with him. takemichi inwardly says, sighing to himself defeatedly as he entered the faculty room with a knock. he found the junior + senior high school pe teacher + basketball coach sitting in his own space in peace and seemingly checking the very same permission slips as what takemichi was holding.

he caught some of the faculty's attention. he politely greeted and stated his purpose before walking up to sir giovanni. "good afternoon, sir. i'm sorry i submitted my slip late. you were expecting this form earlier morning."

the man looked up at him, a kind smile plastered on his face. "it's okay. but just gotta remind you that once you submit this, you have to attend. unless you have a valid reason to not go."

takemichi clutches the paper, the image of the gang entering his head. they would laugh at him if they saw him play and make mistakes. they never watched him play or train during morning and afternoon practices. not even once. they only waited for him to finish.

and many bad things could happen to him during the training camp. there's no certainty but no doubts either. it's pretty hard expecting something so unexpected when you've come to the situation. but good things could happen too. takemichi still have hope that his life will get better. so he won't really know the best things that could happen if he doesn't attend the camp.

"mukhang nag dadalawang isip ka ah." (looks like you're having second thoughts.) giovanni leaned his back on his seat, swiveling it side to side leisurely. "it'll be fun. you'll meet new friends, get attached, create new memories. that training camp is not really just a training camp. it'll help you improve your socializing skills too." the man told, once again leaning forward in anticipation, one hand held out and waiting for the permission slip that takemichi almost crumpled into a piece of paper ball.

i don't want to socialize. takemichi sweatdrops.

"oh darling, i hate socializing too." takemichi jerked up when he realized what the man had said. his hand also felt empty, meaning the man had already took the permission slip from him.

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