chapter 1

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I leapt through the window, "titans crime season is upon us" I said and I noticed they weren't paying attention.


"That ended last week" beastboy groaned focusing back on the comic he was reading.

"Well this is the NEW SEASON, WE ARE LOSING A CRIMINAL EVERY SECOND YOU LAZY LOT LAY AROUND!" I yelled dragging them off the couch.


"go, we know" Cyborg sighed.

We arrived at the crime scene and I noticed the hive tied up and standing up against a pillar was my worst enemy.

"KID FLASH?" the other titans said excitedly while I glared.

"Hey guys, hey rob-dumb" he said smirking at me. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here kid flash. I haven't seen you since I destroyed you in that foot race." I stated with a hint of sass

"First of all. You cheated in that race and second of all, I am here to win crime season" this caused me to scoff.

"Sour grapes, sour graappess" I sung at him pulling out a bag of sour grapes.

"You need a team to win crime season" i told him and he scoffed and ran around.

"See I don't need a team. He handed a rose to starfire and smirked.

"I might steal your team" he said and than ran into the distance.

"Dick" I muttered under my breath.

"Woah he is soo cool" the other titans said in awe of the speedster.

"He's not that cool" I said and kid flash returned with a hot tub and the titans jumped in. Beast boy tried to hop in and than kid flash stopped him.

"Sorry good heros only" this broke BBS heart. He hoped into the car and drove off leaving me and beast boy alone.

"Hey Bb let's go back to the tower" I patted his back and we walked back to titans tower. I locked my self in my room and flopped onto my bed exhausted and pissed at kid flash. What happened to us we used to be so close and now we are enemies. I took off my mask and looked into my mirror. What did I do wrong? I closed my eyes and thought about my past.

*4 years ago//*

I sat in my bedroom reading a book when Alfred walked in with a boy about two years older than me.

"Master dick, this is wally west. This is the flashes nephew, batman requested yiu should hang out with him" Alfred than left the red head standing in the door way.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him nervously, placing my book down.

"Wanna play video games" he sneered and I nodded.

"Sure," I told him and we walked out to the lounge room. He gasped at the size of it.

"This place is huge" the 13 year old kid said looking around in awe. We ended up playing for 5 hours and I really enjoyed his company. I was lonely, I didn't have anyone but Bruce and Alfred but Bruce was always away being batman. Wally and I hung out every Saturday until the fateful day.

*3 years ago//*
I sat with a 14 year old wally playing video games. I watched him, his hands fiddling with the controller trying desperately to beat me. His feckless became more prominent and his eyes shade if green brightened to become a forest green. I had grown a feeling about walky with I didn't realise until after he left was love. But I had to screw it up. I had bet him at the game and we were laughing uncontrollably. We turnt to each other and I felt as if gravity was pulling me towards my best friend, my crush. Suddenly I grabbed his face and shoved my lips onto his. He pulled back instantly.

"Dick, what the hell. Why did you just kiss me?" He asked disgusted by me. I just stood there stuttering and completely not in control of myself.

"Dick, answer me!" He yelled.

"I-I-I don't know" I just muttered and he scoffed.

"Your disgusting" he scoffed and walked out of my life until one year ago when we competed in that foot race I won. He left me confused and frustrated with myself. Why did I turn away my best and only friend. I was alone again back to square one. Bruce tried to cheer me up with new missions and movies nights. I was grateful but when wally left he created the hole in my sound which could never had been filled until I met the titans. I thought they were my friends and they had my back but no. As soon as an opportunity came up the ditched me. Beastboy would have left if it wasn't for the fact that wally didn't want him. I am still frustrated at myself for letting wally get away. It was my fault for not being able to hold back a crush. I should have known that wally would have reacted the way he did. Whenever he came over he would talk about one of his new girlfriends and the only girl I ever dated was Barbra Gordon for one week but than she realised I didn't like her like that so she dumped me. I haven't dated anyone since. I sort of always have kept my crush on wally even after the way he reacted. I guess I thought he was in denial. But I was the one who wasn't sure. I truly miss him and I will always love him but I have and always will wish he would have and will love like that way, back.


I'm still not over what happened that day. He kissed me. If I'm being honest I wanted to kiss back. I always have. He made me feel something I couldn't with my ex girlfriends. Why am I even enemies with him. We were best friends, why did I have to be the one that tore us apart. I took off my mask and flopped onto the couch. I wonder how dicks going? Why should I care. I'm suppose to hate him not care about him but yet some how, he is the only thing on my mind. I miss him and I always think about what happened to us.

AN// I will try to make references to the tie every chapter.

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