Movie Night- Y.B.

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A/N: I'm making it so the reader has fire powers lol

Yelena has always been my best friend. Ever since we met when we were younger, we've been inseparable. We always spend time together, from rainy days spent inside to warm sunny days outside.

On the days it's warm out we would go outside and have picnics at the park.

Today however was a rainy day so we were stuck inside watching movies at the compound and everyone is here except for Lena's sister Natasha who has been like a big sister to me ever since I came to live with the Avengers.

Currently Nat was in the training room lifting weights. I'd invited her to watch movies with us but she refused saying she needed to train. I could tell something was on her mind but I'd figured it was best to leave her alone with her thoughts.

After all the Avengers stopped arguing on what movie to watch we finally picked one. The one they'd picked to watch was Toy Story. Toy Story is one of my favorite movies. Squealing excitedly, I yell at them to not play it yet and I scramble to the kitchen quickly to make lots of popcorn. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Yelena, I quickly turn back around before she sees my blush.

I've had a crush on Lena for the longest time and even though we're together all the time, and everyone would think that I'd get tired of seeing her face, I just can't. Every time I see her I just grin and blush so much that I can't control it. She makes me so happy and I'm glad that she chose me as her best friend, I've always wanted to be more than that but I don't think that Lena's gay.

I hear her walk up behind me until I feel her arms wrap around me, her hands landing on my waist. "Hey love, what are you up to?" She asks me, her Russian accent on full display.

"N-nothing really, just making popcorn. You know you can't watch a movie without popcorn!" I say, mentally chiding myself for stuttering.

I feel her body shake as she let's out a hearty chuckle. "Yes, that's very true. Why don't you let me help you? She withdraws her arms from around me and she instead steps beside me taking the popcorn box from me as I heat the popcorn with my powers. Keeping the heat low, I continue to heat the popcorn.

Lena looks at the popcorn box, confusion plastered on her face as she reads the instructions. She looks so cute, why haven't I asked her out yet?

Holding back a chuckle I grin at her, and say, "Hey you need help with that?" I check the bag in my hand and see the popcorn's done before setting the bag on the counter and grabbing a big wooden bowl to put it in.

"Yeah sure, I can't seem to figure this out." She scratches her head embarrassed.

Chuckling I grab the box again and I take a bag out of the box. I show her where the microwave is and I put it in there. I hit the 4 minute button and I tell her to watch the popcorn to make sure the microwave doesn't explode. I go back to making another bag of popcorn with my powers. "You know, making popcorn with my hand is so much faster and it's cooler too." I smirk.

She smirks back at me, "Yeah well I like watching the microwave more than watching you make it with your fire." I fake pout at her words and try to look sad.

"That was mean Lena, you hurt my feelings." I pout again, she looks at me concerned. She comes over to me and hugs me from behind again, squeezing me tight.

"I'm sorry love." She says sincerely and now it's her turn to pout and I giggle.

"It's okay I was kidding, you didn't hurt my feelings." I peck her cheek and then I realize what I did. Blushing profusely, I turn away and I take the other bag of popcorn from my hand. I put it in the bowl with the other popcorn and grab the bag from the microwave. Quickly I put it in the bowl and rush back to the living room crashing down in a seat beside Peter. Yelena is quick to follow behind me.

She whispers in my ear, "Hey can we talk?"

I sigh, "Yeah I guess." She pulls me up and we go back to sit in the kitchen.

"Why did you run away?" She asks me.

"Because I was scared of your reaction after what I did and I wasn't sure what you would say to me!" I exclaim, the fear evident in my voice.

"Detka, its okay. I'm not going to hurt you or reject you, if anything it would be the exact opposite! I know you won't say it because you're afraid that I won't feel the same, so I'll say it for you. I'm in love with you Y/n. I have been ever since we met years ago. I won't ever stop loving you until I'm dead, and even then, I'll love you still."

Taken aback by her words I stand there dumbfounded, not sure of what to say. So I keep listening until I hear Yelena say, "Y/n L/n will you be my girlfriend?" I'm totally in shock when I hear those words come out of her mouth.

My mind goes blank for a second before I look up and see that she's waiting for an answer. Scrambling for words, I answer her, "Yes Lena, of course I'll be your girlfriend!!" She smiles and her smile turns into the biggest grin I've ever seen. She wraps me up in her arms and she kisses me. She kissed me full on the lips, and for a moment I don't do anything but then I melt into the kiss, and I kiss back, bring my arms to rest around her neck.

Suddenly I hear someone clearing their throat, I break away and blush turning towards the person who interrupted us, to see Natasha standing there, hands on her hips smirking at us. Her girlfriend, and my other best friend, Wanda is standing behind her grinning widely, with her head on Nat's shoulder and her arms placed loosely around Nat's waist.

Squealing excitedly while jumping up and down Wanda says, "Ooh I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!" I giggle at her and I turn back to look at Lena, now my girlfriend.

"Well my Love, would you like to go back and watch the movie?" She grins at me and says.

"Yes Detka, I would love that."

But before I can even leave the room, I hear Nat call out my name.

"Y/n, come here a second." I gulp rather loudly and I follow Nat into the training room.

"Yes Nat?" I ask trying to hold back my nervousness.

"I'm glad that you and Yelena are finally together but I swear to god if you break her heart, I will make your death slow and painful and you will regret ever even breathing the same air as her." She glares and then her glare turns into a dangerous smile. "Do I make myself clear?"

Gulping again, nodding my head vigorously, I answer her. "Yes ma'am. I understand, but I will do my best to never hurt her. If I ever do, I will forever spend my days apologizing her as well as you." I see Nats smile soften and she pulls me into a hug.

"Good. Now that we've gotten things straightened out, let's go back and watch the movie." Together we walk back into the kitchen.

Walking over to Lena I give her a hug and whisper in her ear, "Damn your sister is intimidating!"

Hearing her chuckle she then says, "Yeah Wanda gave me basically the same talk as Nat gave you. So I think we're both feeling the same way." We both giggle and we walk hand in hand back to the living room, where we finally start the movie and we all enjoy the rest of the night talking and laughing.

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