Doing It All For Us - Part 1

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Warnings: Drug use, drinking, swearing, virginity, slut shaming, fighting, toxic

As soon as Rafe Cameron laid eyes on you, it was over for every other fucking girl on the island. The way your hips swayed in your little black dress. The why the glitter coating your eyelids shimmered when the light hit them just so. The jewelry that clung to your skin. You were breathtaking.

Rafe couldn't pick his jaw up off the floor as you walked past him, not even glancing in his direction. The two girls sitting beside him stared at you with hatred filled eyes.

"What's her name?" Rafe asked, his eyes focused on your figure as you walked up to a group of people at the party.

Topper and Kelce burst out laughing. Rafe turned to face them. "What?"

"Dude, she will squash you like bug," Kelce laughed.

"Her name." Rafe demanded.

Kelce sighed. "Y/N Y/L/M." He responded. "Just moved here from California. The new Kook Queen if you ask me."

"Her dad works for Elon Musk or some shit, dude. She's filthy fucking rich." Topper added.

"Who cares?" One of the girls, Jessica, asks as she clings to Rafe's arm.

"She ain't shit," Maria said.

Rafe pays them no mind as he brings his eyes back to you. Dark hair, perfectly straightened, falling to the small of your back.

"Let's go say hi to the new girl," Maria suggests as Jessica gets up to join her.

You and Courtney are throwing your heads back with laughter when two girls approach you.

"Courtney, gonna introduce us to your friend?" Maria asked.

Courtney sighed. "What do you cunts want?"

"Wow, so rude! We just wanted to give the newest member of the island a warm welcome." She said as she turned to you. You scoffed at her sarcasm.

"I'm Maria, and this is Jess," Maria said as she extended a hand to you.

You curled your left hand back, pulling your drink to your shoulder as your other hand reached out to grip hers firmly.

"Y/N." You gave a bitchy smile.

"So, are you here to be the next biggest slut on the island? Not sure you could compete with Courtney here." Jessica asked.

You glanced at Courtney, her eyes full of hurt but she quickly looked to the floor.

You turned back to her. "Ha, funny!" You said before throwing your drink in her face and grabbing her hair, quickly slamming her face down into the beer pong table beside you.

"Holy shit!" The guys around the table said as they stepped back. Rafe stood up quickly and watched you as you continuously slammed this girls face into the table.

You pulled her head back so that you could look at the work you'd done on her face. "Keep Courtney's name out of your mouth. Keep my name out of your mouth. That way, I won't have to finish your bitch ass off, cunt!" You yelled to her before dropping her to the floor. Maria was quickly by her side.

"Anyone else have a fucking problem?!" You yelled, scanning the room as everyone stared at you. You were met with silence and shaking heads. "Cool! I'm Y/N, I just moved here." You announced, a satisfied smile on your face. "Nice to meet you all!" You chuckled before turning around and walking out of the party.

Doing It All For Us (Rafe Cameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now