Doing It All For Us - Part 2

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Warnings: Swearing, drinking, drugs, fighting, mentions of death and gun violence, fluff

By the time you pulled up to the party you were on cloud 9. You and Courtney held hands and skipped together towards the fire, bottle of tequila still half full. Rafe trailed behind you guys and smiled as he watched how happy you were.

You and Courtney started dancing and taking shots while Rafe made his way around the party trying to sell the rest of the coke.

"Hey ladies!" Kelce said as him, Topper, and Sarah approached you.

"Hey!" You said, giving them all a hug. You knew Sarah didn't like you much but you were feeling too good to care. "How are you guys?"

"Fucking lit!" Topper said.

"Fucking saaaaame!" Courtney said as she took a swig from the bottle.

You chuckled and scanned around to find Rafe. He was sitting down surrounded by a few other girls. You unknowingly clenched your jaw at the sight.

Rafe glanced back at you and met your eyes. He gave you a smirk and wiped his nose, indicating he was taking care of business. You smiled and nodded at him as you directed your attention back to the conversation.

"Fuckin' Pogues," Courtney spat. You turned to follow her gaze to see a group of people walking up the beach.

You'd seen them around the island. John B, JJ, Pope, and Kiara. You knew their names but you were always too busy to pay them any attention.

You felt a hand snake around your shoulder. You looked up to see Rafe and you smiled. "Hey," You said.

"Hey," His eyes were soft and his smile was warm. Something about him being so close to you gave you a sense of calm you didn't know you needed.

"Sell it all?" You asked.

He pressed his tongue to his cheek as he nodded. "Yeah, but it's not enough."

"Fuck," You said.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Rafe assured you as held you closer to him and lead you towards the cooler to get a drink.

A few girls glared at you as you walked. You weren't exactly sure why. Courtney had remained your only real girl friend since you moved here. Most girls seemed to hate you. You knew it was probably jealousy. But for what? Did they want to look like you? You'd be happy to do make overs if any of them gave you the time of day. Were they annoyed that there was a new girl in town taking up all the attention? Or was it the fact that you had gotten so close to Figure Eights ultimate Kook King?

The more you thought about, the more you realized that Rafe was practically always with you. It seemed normal now.

"You okay?" He asked as he handed you a seltzer from the cooler.

"Yeah, yeah, it's just..."

"What?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"You're always with me."

His face fell slightly at your words. "Do you not want me around?" He asked.

"No, I do! I love hanging out with you. Seriously,"

"Then what's the problem?"

You sigh. "I feel like I take up all your time. People seem to hate me for some reason and I feel like I've taken you away from your friends."

Rafe chuckled.

"What?" You ask.

"Look, you're my friend. And Kelce and Top and even Court. All these other people," He waves his hand around the sea of people. "Just people I get fucked up with."

Doing It All For Us (Rafe Cameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now