Doing It All For Us - Part 4

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Warnings: Alcohol, California sober, neglect, language, fighting, mention of virginity, mention of overdose, canon divergence

Ward: Where are you?

Rafe: You kicked me out, remember?

W: Are you at Barry's?

R: No.

R: I'm clean.

W: Since when?

R: Like a week now.

W: Well, you can prove that at Midsummers.

R: You want me at Midsummers?

W: Of course, Rafe. We are going as a family. And if you want to bring that girl you're always running around with, we'd like to meet her.

R: I'll ask her.

W: If you really are clean and doing well, son, we can talk about you coming home.

Rafe bit his lip as he read the last message.

He locked his phone and put it back on the night stand before rolling over and looking at you. Your back was to him. He appreciated the way the sheets draped over your body as you slept. Your hair spread out across the pillow behind you as the sunlight shining through the blinds illuminated your sun kissed skin.

You and Rafe had been clean for a week. Still smoking, still drinking, but you hadn't touched coke or pills. Rafe promised to stay clean with you. Not just around you but with you. That made it all so much easier.

You were both on edge as you got used to not having coke constantly at your disposal. But as you slept next to each other every night and you always counted your blessings.

Rafe moved closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. He pressed a kiss to the bare skin between your shoulders.

You smiled at the sensation. "Hey," You whisper as you roll over and face him.

"Hey," He smiles.

You wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him to your lips. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter.

"Mmmm," He moaned into your mouth.

Your fingers ran through his hair as you smiled against his lips, rolling over so that you were on top of him.

Your skin pressed firmly to his as his hands rested on your hips. The feeling gave you goosebumps.

This is how you'd been waking up every morning since your first kiss with Rafe Cameron.

"I love you," You said against his lips, giving him one more quick kiss before you sat up, straddling his lap.

He smiled up at you, eyes beaming with adornment. "I love you, too," His voice was almost child like.

You sat in silence as you played with his hands. Just feeling happy to be so close to him.

Rafe finally broke the silence. "So, my dad texted me."

"Oh yeah? What did he say?" You ask.

"He, uhhh...he wants me to go to Midsummers with them. And he wants me to bring you."

Your eyes shot up to meet his. "Really?" You asked.

"Yeah. He says if I'm clean and doing good I can come back home. Having you as my date to Midsummers sure as shit would be a good sight." He chuckles, running his index finger along your hip.

Doing It All For Us (Rafe Cameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now