Chapter 1

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Lexi Howard had her life planned out for as long as she could remember.

Do well in school, graduate from a top college with the highest grades. Possibly meet a man along the way, a kind man with a good heart who would treat her right.

Buy a nice house in the suburbs with a nice little garden for her to tend to in the warm months.

And all that came true. Except, she hadn't meant to meet and fall for Fezco O'Neil when she was 17 years old.

When she met Fez, her plans changed completely. Sure, she still wanted the school, the house, the life... but the guy changed.

She no longer pictured the faceless man in the expensive grey suit who would lightly peck her cheek before heading off to his boring but well paid job. No, now she pictured Fezco. He'd do a lot more than lightly kiss her cheek before he left the house; his job surely anything but boring.

But she didn't mind that it didn't fall into her normal plan, because he was suddenly in her life. And that was all that mattered.

That was until he never showed up to her play. After the show, she continued to stare at the last text message he sent her 'on my way' for days. She waited for him to text her again, to explain that either his car had broken down, or that he went to the wrong school. She just waited for him to say something.

But he never did.

In fact, she never heard from him again.

No one did.

Rue went by his house, after knocking the front door on many separate occasions she finally came up with the conclusion that he didn't live there anymore. Maybe a drug deal had gone wrong and they had to flee quickly, she had suggested that was the most logical reason for his disappearance. They would even drive by his shop, but the shutters never rose again. It was eerie to see it all locked up.

Everyone assumed the worst, that either he was dead, or was chased out of town. But Lexi refused to believe it. She couldn't. Because her heart would never fully recover if that was the case and something bad had happened to him.

Instead, she chose to believe that he had merely stood her up, that he didn't want to see her and just ignored everyone that was in her life to make that abundantly clear. It hurt, but at least in that scenario he was alive and well.

After around a year, she built up enough courage to delete his number from her phone. That also meant deleting the text messages between them. These texts were very dear to her, they were their love story. They talked for hours and days about pointless but also life changing stuff. They shared their dreams with each other through these texts, their worst nightmares. They shared their happiest memories and their saddest ones.

He told her he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen through these messages; Lexi had found herself rereading that message the most.

If he had found her so beautiful, how could he have let her go so easily?

So, finally she moved on. Well, she tried to anyway. She dated a few guys since Fezco disappeared. The first guy she dated was Nate's brother. They double dated with Cassie and Nate when they eventually got back together after the events of her play.

Lexi was made by Cassie to apologize to Nate, even though she didn't want to. And you could tell he didn't want to accept the apology either. But they both did, to keep the peace.

The date with Nate's brother went okay, he was nice enough, if not a bit boring. He didn't seem abusive like Nate was, but no one seems abusive straight away. They keep that stuff locked away until your borders come down and you're defenceless.

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