Chapter 20

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They stayed at that motel for weeks. It was a dirty dank room that smelled of damp. They both hated it. But they knew it was necessary to stay low for a while. Fez found himself promising that he would never let her stay in a place like this ever again.

Lexi called her family after the first week. They didn't even realise she was gone. Typical.  She kept it brief, saying that she had met someone and moved away with him.

She didn't tell them who it was. Not at first anyway.

Cassie went nuts.

Of course.

But not for the reasons you'd think.

Instead of "what the fuck are you doing running away with someone you barely know?" It was, "what the fuck am I going to do when things go bad for me now you're not here?"

Lexi didn't know how to answer that, so she simply said, "Sorry Cassie, but I can't be your stand by for when your life goes to shit."

Her mum sounded impressed, shocked that Lexi had it in her to do such a thing. She'd always thought it would be Cassie that would do something like this. Not Lexi. Not her student of the year, didn't date a guy till college, Lexi. But Lexi did do it. She couldn't help but feel a little proud that a bit of her rebellious side had manifested in her daughter after all.

The one thing that Lexi did regret was that she couldn't go back home for Rue's funeral. She died in the hospital not long after she got shot. Jules was with her. They never found the man, or woman, responsible.

Lexi hoped her funeral was nice with a big turn out and everyone she loved and cared for there. She was sure Rue would understand as to why she couldn't go, though it did eat away at her that she never got the chance to say goodbye.

Fez and Lexi grew closer, they talked and talked, sometimes for hours on end about everything and nothing in particular. They watched bad TV and laughed at all the rubbish acting. The more time they spent together, the more they realised that this was it. This was the real deal.

Realising you were completely in love with someone can be scary. You're suddenly vulnerable, they have the power to hurt you in a way no one else can.

But it's worth it, to have their love it's worth anything.

After a few weeks at the motel, they left. They were driving along with no clear destination in mind when suddenly Fez slammed on the breaks and pulled over.

"Would you look at that?" Fez sighed, and stared at the farm house in the distance.

It was breathtaking. There were long green fields surrounding it. A white decent sized house sitting in the middle of them with a couple of smaller buildings off to the right of it for animals. It looked like a dream.

By the letter box was a for sale sign.

Lexi gave Fez a warm smile.

*10 years later.*

Lexi felt his hands on her body. Keeping her eyes closed, she moaned as he kissed her neck. His hand cupped her breast as he pressed himself up against her back.

“Good morning, Wife.” He mumbled into her skin. She loved it when he called her that.

“Good morning.” She greeted back and turned over to face him.

He looked a little older now compared to when she first met him. His red hair had a couple of strands of grey and his eyes sported a few lines around them.

But he still made her stomach do flips every time he looked at her with those blue eyes.

“What’s the plan for today?” He asked, and went back to kissing her neck.

She tried to focus, but he was making that very difficult. “Hmmm…” She sighed happily. “I have to take the kids to school, then wait 10 minutes in the car before I am allowed to go in myself to work.”

“Obviously, they're too cool to have a mum for a teacher.” He said, gently kissing her jaw now.

“Obviously,” She agreed and giggled. “What do you have planned?”

“Hmm… well, I have to feed the chickens and clean the pen. The pigs will definitely want food too, they’re greedy.” His stubbled tickled Lexi’s skin. “But first I was thinking of taking care of my wife.”

“Oh, how so?” She teased.

His hand found her thigh, spreading her legs apart for him to lie between them.

“I can think of a way.”

Before he could act on his words, the door to their bedroom swung open as two sets of feet came running into their bedroom.

“Muuuum!” The two young children wailed at the same time, both pulling hard on a soft teddy bear. Any more force and it was sure to rip.

“Tell Ruby this is my teddy!” Ash cried as he gave a gentle tug on the teddy, which caused Ruby to yank back.

Lexi looked at their two beautiful children as they stood at the bottom of the bed. Her heart filled with love as she looked at them. As soon as they were born, her life changed forever.

No, her life had changed before that. The day she sat next to Fezco on that sofa on New years she knew then that her life would never be the same.

Fezco groaned, “Maybe i’ll take care of my wife later.” He whispered, low enough for only her to hear.

Lexi smiled and nodded in agreement. “I can’t wait.”

Thank you so so much for reading!

I could write about these two forever, but I just don't have the time with my son and I am going back to work soon. I wanted to make sure this story was completed and I didn't just leave it like I have so many others... Lol

I hope you all enjoyed it, I would be so grateful if you left your thoughts

Shunice x

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