Chapter III: Demon Hunting Squads

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"Wh-what the hell did you just call me?!", I shouted.

The whole tavern became quiet and everybody stared at us as if something interesting was going to happen.

Sadao leaned in towards me and whispered, "You really should keep your voice down, let's just say the people here don't like us to begin with, and we really shouldn't be disturbing them."

I sighed, "Look.", I said, "I honestly don't like the way you act, it is quite  irritating."

He laughed for quite a long while.

"Oh my Gods!", he cried, as he wiped tears from his eye, "You sure do know how to lighten the mood, don't you?"

I tsked, and debated as to whether or not  I should continue to talk to this stranger. His problems were, he was annoying, pretentious, and a complete asshole. However, he seemed to know what he was doing, although he hadn't brought up anything, I'd have to say it was the way his eyes looked, how  they  looked too wise for just some sixteen-year-old Demon Hunter, although, I suppose that's how all Demon Hunters are.

"I trust you," I said.

At first he had a surprised look on  his face but then he smiled, "and I trust you."

What this meant was that we both understood each other, although it happened out of nowhere, we were both thinking the same thing, which meant we would both trust one another's stories of just how they became a Demon Hunter, and from that we shall decided whether we are friends or just two independent Demon Hunters.

"You first", he said with one eye closed and a smirk on his face.

I sighed, "Fine.", I said, "I was born in Nemnar and raised there by my Sensei. He trained to the best of his ability with the sword, and martial arts, until I was nine years old. You see, I lived in a small town in Nemnar called, Velshik, it was attacked by demons when I was nine, mostly Shikvirs, but there were too many just for my Sensei to handle. He took me and ran, demons crossed our path, my Sensei threw me off and fought the three demons to the best of his ability but even three Shikvir class demons was too much for him. In the end he died, and left me this sword."

Sadao's  eyes were more serious than before, he looked more focused, and intrigued, "I see", he said in a more serious tone. He then laid two pistols on the table, they were quite large and engraved on one pistol was 'Sarah' and on the other 'Sally'.

"Sarah and Sally?", I said aloud.

"Yeah...they were my sisters.", he said. His face and tone began to seem more bitter.

"Those are rather odd names for sisters, when your name is Sadao.", I said, curious.

"Yes. You're right. We weren't siblings by blood, we just kind of met in the slums of Dentmar, that's where I was raised. I didn't know my parents, same as you, I presume?"

I nodded.

"Well, we often spent most of our time playing, eating, and telling stories to each other. Sally was a fair-skinned girl with big blue eyes, and bright blonde hair. Sarah was more dark-complected, she had green eyes, like mine, and long brown hair that she often couldn't  keep track of."

He paused and smiled, nostalgically.

"They were both beautiful sisters that I adored very much...however, when I was about twelve, I saw them both torn open by two Dosiones Class Demons...not knowing what to do, I watched. I watched as I saw their guts and blood splattered onto the pavement, I watched as I saw them both eat them till they were nothing but a pile of torn skin, dried blood, and a pile of bones; not even recognizable as a humans anymore. The-then I ran, I ran as far as I could, until I found my self in Titania. I calculated that the best thing to do was to plot revenge against them, so I stole two pistols from a gun shop and engraved one of my sisters' names for each pistol. I then trained myself to kill demons, and I've been training myself from that day, and shall continue to do so forever."

Astonished by his story, I was silent for a few minutes. We had both gone through exceptionally difficult times, I guess that is the case for almost every Demon Hunter, so end the end, we were no exception.

"Let's do it!", he yelled enthusiastically. Everyone in the tavern looked back at us with scowls.

"Uhmm, Sadao...", I said nervously.

He then jumped up from his seat and yelled with even more gusto and enthusiasm, "Let's create a Demon Hunting Squad!"

It was silent, everyone's eyes widened when they heard what he had said.

A large man marched over to us, he wore a white apron that seemed to have streaks of stains of food which made it more of a mixture of colors.

He then said in a grustly voice, "ye best get out meh tavern, befah ye get yerself killed!"

Sadao and I slowly got up and awkwardly walked through the crowed of brutes as they all watched and scowled at us as we walked out of the tavern. When we got outside, it was dark and also pouring rain, the only thing lighting up the road were the lanterns that were hooked onto the outside of the buildings, on both sides of the roads.

I could barley see Sadao next to me, but I vaguely saw him take something from his jacket, which seemed to be a hat of some sort, he then tightened it onto his head.

"Jeez!" I could hear him say over the loud, pouring rain.  "You hunt Demons, and this is how people repay you!"

"But you said you were doing it for revenge."

"What? Oh. Yes, I suppose you're quite right. However, I can't say that i'me doing it for revenge only. i guess I'm also doing it, because I don't want what happened to me  happen to someone else."

I thought about what he said, and I suppose I am also doing it for the same reason. "So what's this about a Demon Hunting Squad?"

"Oh! Yeah!" , he yelled eagerly. "Alright, hear me out. I'm thinking that we should create a Demon Hunting Squad, in a Demon Hunting Squad there are usually five positions, three of those positions are usually three fighters, a gunman, a swordsman, and a sniper. The other two positions are usually a strategist and a healer, but a lot of teams usually have  two healers instead of just one. You following?"

I nodded.

"Okay, good! We already have a gunsman and a swordsman! Now all we need is a sniper, a strategist, and a healer!" We passed under a lantern and I could see a big grin on his face and fiery eyes, that spoke 'Let's do this!'. "Alright, Tadashi! This is gonna be one long journey!"

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