Chapter II: Sadao Tachibana

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The was 7E 232, Dec birthday... And it had been five years since my Sensei died.
I was in the Northern part of Titania, the country of the fairies. I found myself in a tavern filled with brutes and people who could drink ten mugs of ale like they were drinking a glass of water....that was the country of Titania...
I looked around the tavern through all the large people who were moving about.

"Excuse me..." "Pardon me..." I kept saying politely as they just replied with a grunt or an ugly look. I kept searching for a place to sit...but as large as that Tavern was there wasn't a single spot, until I reached the back that is...
I saw a young man, about my age: fourteen. He had black hair that reached above his eyes, green eyes like the second moon on its third cycle, a trench coat as dark as midnight itself, he had a table to himself which people seemed to stand far away from, like they were afraid of him.
I began to walk towards him and saw out of the corner of my eye how everybody began to stare at me.
I walked up to the table, pulled out a chair and sat down in it.
I looked at everyone who was staring like they were waiting for something to happen.
The young man stared at me for a while and then said, "You a Demon Hunter?"

"Are you?", I asked cautiously

"I asked first", he replied with a sarcastic smile

I sighed as I looked down, "Yeah. Now answer my question"

He smiled with a sense of relief, "I've had some cross my path, yeah....Ya know Demon Hunters aren't exactly favored as much as they used to be."

"I that why no one sits over here next to you?", I asked curiously.

"Pretty old are you anyway?", he asked me.

"Fourteen ... today.", I said "And you?"

"Sixteen", he replied "where you from?"
I thought to myself....this guy sure asks a lot of questions...and so far he isn't that likable.

"I'm from Nemnar", i said almost Disdainfully.

"Okay, okay", he laughed, "no need to get angry. But all the way from Nemnar, in Vikir....that's a little ways away from northern Titania..."

"", I said angrily

"'d you get here ... You have to be twenty-one or older to go on a ship to Titania....and you don't strike me as one who has family....or friends.", he said with a smile that looked quite cynical.

"That is none of your business", I said scornfully.

He sighed but with a smile, "well I don't really need to know the backgrounds of your personal life".

I shook my head with a scowl.

"Okay but the least you can tell me is your name", he smiled.

"Tadashi....Tadashi Tsukamoto", I said as i looked away. "And yours?"

He smiled "Sadao....Sadao Tachibana, nice to meet you Ashi."

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