Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One


Sergei's fingers sift lazily through my hair as we lay in my bedroom. I was so exhausted after we had sex on the plane that I fell asleep, and only woke up twenty or so minutes ago, to find myself half-sprawled on Sergei's chest in my bed. Neither of us have spoken yet—I'm busy luxuriating in his attention, tracing his bare abdomen with a finger, and he's busy playing with my hair.

Leo's curled up on the other side of me, head resting on my t-shirt covered back, purring subtly.

"Your hair is so unique," Sergei comments, breaking the comfortable silence. "So raven-black it shines with blue and violet in certain lighting."

I tilt my head slightly to look into his eyes, and am unsurprised to see the total focus in the aquamarine orbs. It seems like every time we're in the same room, his complete attention is on me, as if I'm the only thing that exists to him. I let out a small hum in response, before dropping my head back on his chest.

"Did you figure out who was after you?" I ask him, marveling at the perfectly honed, corded muscle that encompasses the entirety of his chest and torso.

"I did," he responds, his voice gaining a dangerous edge. "A bratva from Ukraine sent them—the Rostov bratva. I've been at odds with them for a while, but conflict was so subtle I saw no reason in wasting resources to wipe them out."

I nod. "They hired German's as mercenaries, I assume? So attention wouldn't fall on them?"

"Precisely," he replies, sounding pleasantly surprised at how easily I connected the dots. "The primary issue is that they've changed locations and gone dark mode. Nobody can seem to find them. They'll turn up eventually, however, and then they'll be wiped out."

"What does that mean for you?" I question.

His soft chuckle is no more than a caress to my senses. "If you're worried about me, don't be. I've faced stronger, far more connected and intelligent opponents than the Rostov's many times—and have obliterated them all."

Of course he has—otherwise Sergei Novikov wouldn't have the reputation he does; one of never losing, and always coming out on top.

"How did they know where we'd be?"

"A rat in Collin's ranks," Sergei practically growls, menace dripping from every syllable. "The man's being transported to one of my warehouses for interrogation as we speak."

My eyebrows raise at that. "Collin was amenable to simply handing him over?"

"Collin's smart enough to know that not doing so wouldn't end well for him. I'll probably be gone overnight." He pauses. "That is, unless you'd like to join me."

I mull over the invitation for a moment before responding. There's no doubt in my mind that interrogations with Sergei will get gruesome and extremely bloody—which doesn't bother me as much as it should. Instead, I'm drawn to the idea. A fact that really should concern me, but doesn't. If I really am going to be at Sergei's side for the foreseeable future, there's good reason for me to learn how he works in every aspect of his business; including the odious ones.

"I'll join," I tell him.

He makes a small hum of satisfaction in turn before falling silent again, his fingers still gently running through my hair.

After several minutes, he says, "Tell me a secret about yourself."

I tense slightly. "A secret?"

I don't have many secrets—the only prominent one being about my adoptive parents, which Sergei already knows.

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