Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four


Concussion. Three fractured ribs. Countless contusions and lacerations. An ankle so broken it requires operation on both bone and ligament to restore functionality. Upon Kira's examination at the nearest local hospital, it's quickly made clear that her list of injuries is far more extensive than I initially hoped. I knew as soon as I saw her slumped against a gritty brick wall on the outside of her uncle's compound that she wasn't in the best shape, but I didn't think her condition was quite so bad, considering how she managed to kill around two dozen men and shoot her way out of a compound that should be impossible to escape from.

In the three hours between being forced to depart from Kira so doctors could operate in peace and waiting for her to wake up in recovery, I pace a hole through the dull linoleum flooring in the sitting room of the hospital's surgical wing. Igor, sitting in a chair nearby, fields the massive number of phone calls and demands for explanations for the sudden destruction of Damien's operation and his capture on my command. While I desperately wanted to kill him when I was in a room with him mere hours ago—after Leo had saved Igor's life and while the cat was thoroughly enjoying savaging Damien's face—Igor stopped me, reasoning that Damien was a rich source of information.

It only took threats of torture for Damien to give up Kira's location and the best way to get to her—apparently, my reputation for doling pain was enough to scare him into talking, especially considering he was holding the reason for any humanity that lives within me captive. I already knew from Bett an idea of location, but I needed confirmation from Damien. After he gave me that, he was detained to a safe location where he will be a resident until I've extracted every drop of information he knows.

It doesn't particularly matter that, combined, Kira and I have killed most of the people who organized the coup to kill me and capture her; I'm still out for blood and thirsty for vengeance. Every moment that she's injured and I'm not killing everyone even remotely associated with her pain is a waste.

Leo is curled up in one of the leather-padded chairs lining the back wall beside Igor, alternating between glaring at me and glaring at Igor. The cat was not pleased when Igor lifted him by the scruff off of Kira when it came time for her examination—in fact, Igor's now sporting some fresh gouges from Leo's most recent tantrum.

Usually, animals wouldn't be allowed on the premise, but considering the fact that I'm one of this hospital's prime donators and have a silent seat on the board, I get some leeway. It's that very same leeway that's allowed me to commandeer an entire wing of the hospital with posted armed guards, and causes doctors to scramble to carry out my orders.

"Excuse me, gentlemen."

At the sound of the doctor's voice, I freeze mid-stride, and turn to the doorway of the room, where a young woman in a lab coat stands, a stethoscope slung around her neck. This is the very same doctor who's been operating on Kira for several hours.

"How did it go?" I demand.

The doctor gives me a mildly censuring look. "Growling will not get you answers any faster in here, Mr. Novikov. Your fiancée is stable, the procedure went well, and she's expected to make a full recovery with her ankle. She's currently in a private room, and should be waking up soon if you'd like to see her. In terms of next steps, I'd like to keep Ms. Roland for a few days for observation. It appears she suffered a few consecutive head injuries—at least two of which were concussions, as best as I can tell, which calls for a forty-eight hour observational period. If all goes well, which we expect it will considering she's young and healthy, you can check out by the end of the week."

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