Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Fur rubbing against my cheek draws me out of the deepest sleep I've ever had. Insomnia is a constant struggle for me, falling and staying asleep through an entire night is a rarity I experience maybe a few times a year.

I slowly crack my eyes open, blinking the fog of sleep away, and come face-to-face with Leo, who's rubbing his cheek against mine. He gives me an expectant look that makes me smile. Most likely the small cat is disgruntled at me not having cuddled with him last night like I normally do. I reach out to stroke his fur, murmuring a good morning.

"Am I going to need to compete for your attention?" Sergei's voice asks from behind me.

I spin around, not having expected him to stay the night. I assumed he would go back to his bedroom after getting what he wanted.

Sergei's standing in the doorway to the bathroom, fully dressed in an impeccable blue suit, casually leaning against the doorframe. His hands rest in his pockets, and his aquamarine eyes give me a knowing assessment.

"No," I respond. "I didn't expect you to still be here."

I glance down at the sheets, noting the red splotches scattered around. The evidence of my lost virginity.

"I want to move you into my room," Sergei says, carefully watching me for a reaction.

I blink. Why would he want me in his room? He strikes me as someone who enjoys having his private space, and wouldn't appreciate having to share it. I'm the same way when such things are an option—that's the reason nobody even knew the address to my apartment in Colorado.

Colorado. In all my time here, I've barely thought about my home. About the life I was forced to leave behind. I can't help but wonder what my few acquaintances think about my disappearance—what they were told.

I very much doubt I'm truly missed by anyone, since I never got close enough to people to develop friendships. Except for Asher—the amount of time we've spent together, even though it was only for work, probably built something resembling a friendship between us.

I don't miss him—I'm not sure I'm truly capable of missing people—but I do briefly wonder about how he's doing. Asher was an excellent assistant and courier to me for several years, which will look good on his resume for whatever comes next.

Now that I think about it, there's a good probability that Santoro might miss me, as well. In his mind he was something of a mentor to me, and I know he cared for me simply because of how much time he set aside to help me understand what's right and wrong in the eyes of the law. I was his star pupil; a remarkable success story, a boost to his reputation, and a personal victory.

"What are you thinking about?" Sergei questions, pulling me away from my thoughts.

He'd sense it if I lied to him, so I decide to go for the truth. "I'm wondering about what's going on in Colorado. What people think about my absence."

Sergei's brow arches. "You care what they think?"

I shake my head. "Not in the least. I'm merely curious."

Sergei approaches the bed with casual steps, before taking a seat on the edge. He reaches for the sheets that cover my body, pulling them down to reveal my breasts. For whatever reason, I don't mind or protest when he thumbs over one of my nipples. Probably because I learned first-hand that Sergei's more than capable of delivering unbelievable pleasure. Also because modesty isn't really in my repertoire—it's just a ridiculous social construct.

"Authorities and your coworkers know that you were abducted in a prison break." He tilts his head to the side. "You don't seem to have made many connections back there, but there were two people who inquired about you with the police vehemently. They still are."

I nod. "I can hazard a guess as to who. Asher Jones and Franco Santoro?" With the connections Sergei has in every corner of the world, I assume he could get a hold of that information easily.

"Yes," Sergei drawls, watching me closely for my reaction. "Does that upset you?"

That nearly pulls a laugh out of me. "Not in the least. Though I don't wish them any ill. Both of them were never anything but helpful."

Sergei nods, satisfied with the answer. "I can ensure that Asher gets high-paying job offers, if you'd like."

I mull that over for a second before responding. Although Sergei knows I don't feel anything other than indifference to most aspects of my life, he's also come to understand me enough to know that I wouldn't intentionally bring harm or upset to those who don't deserve it. The fact that he's willing to accommodate that speaks a lot to his character.

Like me, he has a code of ethics he sticks to. The ethics are few and far between, but they're air-tight. He doesn't believe in harming those who don't deserve it, and is willing to go through the hassle of making sure my assistant, someone who's made my life easier many times, is well taken care of in my absence.

"I would appreciate that," I murmur.

Another nod. "Then it's done. Now, moving onto our original topic..." He lets the words hang there, studying my expression.

My lips part on a gasp as he leans down and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. He's seducing me in order to get what he wants. The irony of that amuses me, since I seduced him last night with the exact same intention.

My entire body is still sensitive from last night, breasts especially because of how much time Sergei spent lavishing attention on them, so the wet heat of his mouth causes a near overload of sensations. But it feels too good for me to protest.

I try to collect my thoughts, which is difficult to do with his hands plumping my breasts and mouth greedily sucking.

He lifts his head briefly. "Well?"

I blink several times to clear the haze of lust from my head. "I'd prefer to stay here. I appreciate having my own space. Besides, if I move, Leo moves, and he expects attention almost constantly."

As if to punctuate my point, Leo leaps over my body, and curls himself over my blanket-covered legs. That pulls a chuckle from Sergei, who removes one of his hands from my breasts in favor of petting Leo.

"If your cat was the only drawback, there wouldn't be an issue. I don't mind him," Sergei says, eyes back on mine. "I'll respect your wish for now. But my patience won't last forever."

I tilt my head to the side. "Why do you want me to move to your room?"

He shrugs. "I enjoyed sleeping beside you last night. It's not common for me to truly enjoy something."

That I understand. Sergei's so detached most of the time that he'd hang onto any enjoyment or pleasure, no matter how fleeting or insignificant.

With what looks like a pained effort, he draws his hands away from me, standing once more. Sergei pulls his phone out of his pocket, checks something on it, and straightens.

"Be ready at 4pm," he tells me. "Dress in flexible clothing."

"What for?" I ask.

He offers me a brief smile. "I'm going to start training you. Being part of my Bratva is no easy endeavor. You need to know how to defend yourself in case things ever go sideways."


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