Chapter 3

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Science Class Fun

John's POV

I can't believe I just got the new kid into detention! I feel so bad! What can I do to help him feel better? 

We were walking side by side to science which was the second class period of the day.  We walked in silence. It was really awkward.

"Um, I feel really bad that I got you in detention," I started, "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

Alexander turned and smiled at me.

"Just, stay with me?" he asked.

"Of course! You're my friend! I would never leave a friend!" I replied.

He sighed with relief. He looked down at the ground. I could tell that he was hiding something.

"The last friends I, left me when... when..." Alexander faltered.

"When what?" 

"When my mother died. They... didn't want my sad presence around I guess."

I didn't know what to say. I almost said something but nothing could help. The standard "I'm sorry" is nothing.

"I don't know what to say," I said.

"You don't have to say anything. My past won't change. I can change my future though," Alexander announced.

I had never heard such profound knowledge come from someone our age. I started to say something when I was knocked to the ground.

"Well- ACK!" I screeched.

I looked up to see that Thomas Jefferson had pushed me. Alexander had his fists balled. Thomas stood in front of me with his hands on his hips.

" Your boyfriend got me in detention!" he declared.

"He's just my friend!" I snarled as I stood up.

"HAH! Suuuuuuuuuure!" Jefferson laughed.

"Who is this?" Alexander asked.

"Thomas Jefferson," I said as I stared daggers at him.

"Be nice to my friend, Thomas!" Alexander announced.

"Or what? What will you do you little gremlin? Go back to the Caribbean and your mama! Oh wait! I forgot. She's dead!" Jefferson said with a smug smile.

Alexander started to walk towards Jefferson but I pulled him back by his sleeve.

"Alex, he's not worth it," I whispered to him.

I glanced at my watch. We were going to be late to class! I muttered a curse in German because no one will understand what I'm saying. Just as the bell rang Alex and I dashed into class.

The science lab was really cool. It had tall tables and two sinks. There was a door to go outside and the science teacher, JP, gave the best breaks. JP stands for John Pederson. The science lab looked like this:

 The science lab looked like this:

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"Hi! Sorry, JP," I said.

"It's okay. Just, try to be earlier next time," he said, "Who is this?"

"Hi! I'm Alexander Hamilton! You can call me Alex or Alexander. I don't care!" Alexander declared.

"Hello. Welcome to science!" JP greeted him.

I took a seat at one of the tall tables that lined the room and Alexander sat next to me. I studied him. His eyes were bright but behind them was an ocean of sorrow. Suddenly, his eyes burned with anger and then sadness.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

" How did he know? How did he know?" Alex mumbled.

"Know what?" I queried.

"Boys!" JP called.

We shut up and listened as JP explained that we would be making mousetrap cars. Then he started calling out who would be paired up.

"James Madison and Thomas!" 

Thomas smiled. Madison was his friend. I thought maybe they were more than friends.

"John and Peggy!"

I smiled on the outside, but inside I frowned. I wanted to be paired with Alexander. I don't have anything against Peggy though. She's pretty.

"Hercules and Marie-Joseph Paul... Yuh...You- Ves Rock Gilbert... Sorry. I've never said your name out loud."

"Just call me Lafayette!" A boy with a baseball hat that had the France flag on it called.

"Okay. Thank you. Eliza and Alexander."

I saw Eliza lean over to whisper something in Angie's ear. I can read lips and it looked like she said: "Do you have anything to do with this?" Hm. Wonder what that means?

"Aaron and Angelica."

Angelica's eyes flared and Aaron frowned. I guess she doesn't like Aaron.

"Hm. Um...we have an odd number today. James Reynolds is absent. Maria, why don't you join Alexander and Eliza's group?" JP called.

 I dated Maria once. I don't like her anymore. She cheated on me. Eventually, I found out and then she dumped me for the other guy. Dating her was the worst decision in my whole entire life. Even worse than the time when I pushed my brother off that bridge into the river. He was fine though. Just reaaaaaally mad.

We split into our groups. Peggy and I started looking up how to make our car go the farthest. We were being graded on how far our car went. We decided on  putting balloons on the wheels to make it go far.

I looked over to Alex. He was furiously typing on his computer. Eliza was peering over his shoulder. Maria was just sitting on a stool and staring off into the distance. I saw something strange on her face. Was that a...bruise badly hidden by makeup? It was in the shape of a hand. What!? Even though I don't like her, I hope she's okay.

"John? Joooohn?" Peggy said as she tried to get my attention.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"Um, we're ready to build," Peggy answered.

"Oh yeah."

We started building the car and I glued my fingers together with hot glue.

(A/N: I'm going to switch POVs right now. I might do this again later in the series)

Eliza's POV

I can't believe I'm in a group with Alexander! Maria is also in our group. She hasn't done much work.

"Okay. So now we glue the sides to the body. Could you hold it while I glue? " I suggested.

"Sure!" Alexander said while he reached for one of the sides for the car.

He held it while I glued. Our fingers briefly touched and my heart skipped a beat. My face turned hot. While I was distracted I got hot glue on my fingers.

"Eliza? Are you alright?" Alexander queried.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I think I got myself with hot glue. That's all," I quickly answered.

"You okay?" he asked with concern in his eyes.

"Yes! I am fine. Let's work on this car."

Alexander frowned. Oh no! Did I just make him mad? What if he doesn't want to be my friend? I want to be his friend though. I want to be more than friends.

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