Chapter 34

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Say No to This

Maria's POV

I was talking with Peggy as we sold pastries. I still can't believe Peggy would do this for me. I casually mentioned that I was super poor during lunch two days ago so Peggy helped me create a bake sale.

Our business was slowing down. It was five o'clock so nobody was around. I reached for one of the last vanilla raspberry cupcakes.

"I'll be right back. Bathroom," Peggy excused herself and I nodded.

I opened Harry Potter which I had stowed beneath the table for when there was no business. I was reading book three. A shadow came across my book. Without looking up I said, "Hello. What can I get you?"

"Look at me when you're talking to me," A familiar voice hissed. I gasped and dropped my book. It was James. I stood up and dropped my cupcake in the process.

"James! Um...we have chocolate chip cookies and regular cookies and M&M cookies and cookie cookies and-" I rambled.

He reached inside of his pocket and produced a gun. Is it real? It might be real. I think it's real. He cocked it and pointed it at my head. My breath caught in my throat.

"Give me your money. Now," He demanded.

"Okay," I peeped.

I opened the money box with shaking hands. I handed him the 60 dollars we had made. I felt so bad. I felt like I was going behind Peggy's back. But he'll shoot me! I have to.

He smiled as I gave him the money. He flicked through it with an evil smile on his face. He then ran away.

Just my luck. Peggy walked out just as James sprinted away. I started to cry. Peggy rushed over.

"Maria? What's wrong?" I told her about James and the gun. She shrieked. "You should go to Alexander. If there's one thing he knows, it's money."

I nodded. I'll go to Alexander. Peggy gave me his address and we started to pack up.

Time skip brought to you by our Lord and Saviour, Lin

I made my way to Alexander's house. I entered the building and was greeted by a woman with slightly curly brown hair. I gave a nervous wave.

"Does Alexander live here?" I asked her.

She nodded and told me his room number. She was a very kind woman. I stepped down the hall and went to Alexander's room. I hesitated and then knocked. He answered with a surprised look on his face.

"I know you are a man of honour and I'm so sorry to bother you at home but I don't know where to go and I came here all alone. My ex is doing me wrong. Beating me. Stealing stuff. Mistreating me. Suddenly he stole my money. I don't have the means to go on," I cried.

He gave me a look like I was a poor little puppy that needed to come in because it was raining. He invited me into his room. I've been feeling pretty down recently. Being with Alexander makes me feel alive and ready for anything that could come my way.

He sat me down upon a chair and he sat on his bed. I told him my problems with James and money. He gave me thirty dollars and I thanked him profusely.

As he walked me to the door, I turned around and kissed Alexander. I expected him to push me off or say something but he didn't. I pulled away after a few moments.

I left and skipped down the hall. Awesome.

Alexander's POV

Noooooo! What did I do? AUGH. Now Maria? Why does everyone like me?! Well, it is a thrill dating Eliza and kissing Maria. Wait, what Hamilton no. But Hamilton yes. BUT HAMILTON NO. HAMILTON YES! Does anybody else have conversations inside their own head or is that just me?

My phone dinged and I froze. Eliza knows. She knows what I did. I slowly opened it and read the text.

Betsey💙: I'm going to Athens for a week

Alex🖊: Oh. When?

Betsey💙: I leave tomorrow after school

Alex🖊: You'll have to take a bunch of photos for me!

Betsey💙: You won't cheat on me, now will you? 😘

Alex🖊: Course not. I love you

Time skip brought to you by caffeine

"I'll miss you," Eliza said as she hugged me.

"I'll miss you too. Have fun," I told her.

A car pulled up. I assume it was Eliza's. She gave me a kiss and hopped into the car. I waved as she drove away. Now I'm all alone.

Wait, Eliza isn't here. Maria is here. I've been feeling a little devoid of motivation recently. Maybe Maria can help me? What am I thinking?! I am dating Eliza. I nodded and started my walk back home.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and started on my school paper. We only needed one page but I was on my fifth. I was stuck. There was a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Maria.

"Hey," I greeted her.

"Hey," She said with a wink.

I invited her in. She backed me against a wall. I don't think she cares that I'm dating Eliza. Eliza isn't here right now though. Maria leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. Her lips were moist and delightful.

"That was..." I murmured after we stopped.

Maria smiled and put a finger on my lips. That shut me up. I smiled as I leaned towards her.

Time skip brought to you by my dog

It was the weekend after that. Maria invited me to go to the mall with her. As we walked, we held hands. It was fun. I felt free.

Jefferson's POV

I was walking with James around the mall. I pointed to the cool puzzle in a store. In the reflection, I saw Hamilton. I spun around at top speed. I grabbed James by the hand and pulled him behind a pole. You know how malls have those huge poles holding up the ceiling? Well I pushed myself and James into the pole.

"Wha-" James started to say.

I shushed him. I peered around as Hamilton and Maria walked around while holding hands. BLACKMAIL!! I quickly snapped a photo.

"Thomas, what are you doing?" James asked.

"Blackmail," I whispered.

"No! Don't do that," James protested.

I shushed him again. This is amazing. I can expose him. I peeked around again. I saw Reynolds coming up to them. Ooh. This is good.

Alexander's POV

I saw James Reynolds coming up to us. Maria made a little screeching noise. She tried to melt into my side. I put a protective arm around her.

"Hamilton!" James barked, "I hope I find you in good health and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth in the pockets of people like me down on their luck. You see that was my ex you decided to-"

"Whaaat?" I interrupted. "Why should I care?"

James scowled. His eyes then lit up and he opened his mouth to say something.

"You better pay me or I will tell Eliza you are cheating on her. I'll tell her in front of the whole school," James smiled.

I was filled with fear. Eliza can never know. She can't. I have to pay. I can't imagine how Eliza would feel. I am dead.

ANOTHER time skip

I passed a check to James. I had to have a lemonade stand to raise all this money. I almost didn't make it. He smiled at me but not in a nice way. I flopped onto my bed. It was just my luck that Madison, Jefferson, and Burr bust my door open and marched into my room.

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