Chapter 21

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Hercules' POV

It was a week after the trip. I was in history and I felt some tension between John and Alexander. I wonder what happened. I wasn't on the trip so I don't know what happened. I need to ask Laf.

History ended and we went to science. John's side seemed empty without Alexander. He walked beside me and Lafayette which he never does. Usually Alex and John are ahead of us, talking merrily.

"What up?" I asked him.

"Nothing," John answered, not looking up from the ground.

"No, I mean...what's wrong? Where's Alexander?" I poked.

"Oh. Um...I don't know."

I exchanged a look with Lafayette. I decided not to question him any further. I felt a breeze near my side. I glanced and saw Alexander. He rushed by us without even saying hello. I shook my head in confusion.

When we got to science, I sat in my normal spot next to Lafayette. JP told us that we would be listening to a presentation today. The school counselor walked in and began a presentation about bullying.

I secretly opened my phone and went to messages.

The Best Group in School

[Turtleboy and WhatisSleep? have been removed from the chat]

HERCULESMULLIGAN!: What is up with John and Alexander? Peggy, Alexander tells you everything, got anything for us?

PEGGYEXISTS: Idk. Alex hasn't told me anything.

Liza: Really?


LaffyTaffy: we need to figure something out


LaffyTaffy: so salty


[Jefferson has been added to the chat]


Jefferson: Hahahaha

Jefferson: I know what happened. I was watching

Liza: Tell us!

Jefferson: It'll cost you...

LaffyTaffy: 🙄

Jefferson: Give me the test answers for history and I'll tell you

[Jefferson has been removed from the chat]

Liza: I should have thought before saying tell us, sorry

HERCULESMULLIGAN!: Well, also it's Jefferson

Satisfied?NEVER: No way. Let's just ask Alex and John on our own

[Jefferson has been added to the chat]

Liza: We have decided. Goodbye! 💖

[Jefferson has been removed from the chat]

I put my phone away. Luckily the counselor didn't see it. In ten minutes, the presentation was over. JP let us have a free period. It was a beautiful day outside.

Peggy, Eliza, and Angie were on the swings, Alexander was studying for history, Lafayette was lying in the sun, and John was on the last swing. I rounded everyone up except for John and Alexander.

"What should we do?" I started.

"Go up to them as a group?" Eliza suggested.

"Nah..." Laf said.

"Ooh! What if I went up to Alex and John separately because Alex tells me everything and I'm close with John?" Peggy exclaimed.

We all agreed that Peggy's plan was a good one. We sent her off to Alexander.

Peggy's POV

"Hi, Peggs. What do you want?" Alexander said without looking up from his papers.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

" I saw you guys huddling in a circle. What's going on?"

I took a deep breath. There's no way I'm avoiding it now.

"We...uh...we've noticed that you've been avoiding John," I said.

"Oh...that. Follow me," Alexander led me into the hallway.

I glanced back at my friends. They gave me thumb ups. I nodded and went into the hallway. Alexander looked around to make sure nobody was listening. His eyes were deep seas of confusion.

"What's wrong?" I gently laid a hand on his shoulder.

Alex told me everything. He told me about how they got lost in the forest and how he felt about John.

"On one hand I have John...but on the other hand there's Eliza. I just don't know!" he explained.

"Is it okay if I tell our friends? We just want to help..."

"Sure. Whatever. I don't care. Just don't tell them about Eliza!"

I nodded. I went back outside and told them the whole conversation. None of them knew what to do.

"Maybe we could just let them figure it out on their own?" Hercules suggested.

"I don't know..." I sighed.

This is a short chapter because I ran out of inspiration. Lol.

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